Night terrors

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this one is just fluff i got the idea from another story i had seen but i forget who wrote it, if it sounds similar to yours just lemme know 🫶

It had been months since I had seen Simon. Deployments always took a toll on him when he got back. He was quiet, reserved, and he didn't talk about anything. It pained me to see him this way but I knew not to push him. He would come to me when he needed, he always did.

It had been a slow night, i made dinner for the two of us and we just ate in silence. He stared at his plate for most of dinner, only looking up to take a swig of his drink, we would occasionally make eye contact. My worried eyes meeting his, they seemed blank, as if there was nothing behind them. I had noticed that he had a couple of new scars, and what I presumed to be a bullet wound as the gauze was taped tightly to his ribs, and he winced whenever he used his left arm. I wanted to know what I could do to make him feel better, just let him know he wasn't alone, but I was afraid to bother him. He was always reluctant to tell me, worried that I wouldn't see him the same. But I always will, he's always been Simon, never Ghost to me.

"Thanks for dinner," he mumbled quietly as he stood to put his plate and cup in the sink. "Of course," I said quietly, my voice laced with worry for him. I knew it was going to be another long night, he would disappear off to his office and just sit there alone. I sighed as I cleaned the kitchen up from dinner, feeding our cats before heading off to take a shower.

It was late, I knew it was cause I procrastinated making dinner. I checked my phone on the bathroom sink, *22:48* I let out another sigh as I heard shuffling from the other side of the door. "Simon?" I called from the bathroom, "yeah?" I heard a faint reply. "Are you okay?" I asked softly, opening the door to look out into the room. "Yeah," he replied once more, his voice muffled by his all black balaclava. I gave him a meek half smile as I walked into the bedroom, passing him i put a hand on his arm, feeling him tense under my touch, I rubbed his arm softly up and down twice before walking to my dresser to find something to wear to bed. I hated that he had put the mask back on, but I knew he always felt vulnerable after deployments, especially after this one.

I crawled into my side of the bed just watching him in the bathroom, my heart ached for him. As he walked towards the bed our eyes met, "yknow it's not good to keep it bottled up," I said softly rubbing his shoulder as he sat down. He shrugged me off with a grunt, "I'm fine." He mumbled, turning his body to lay on his back. I frowned as I caught him looking at me from the side of his eyes, "I love you Simon," I said, "and I'm here for you, but I can't help you if you don't let me in." I sat up and ran my hand down the back of his head to his neck. I longed to feel his hair, kiss his lips, but I wouldn't dare to touch his mask. "You can't help me," he muttered coldly, taking my hand out from underneath of him. I groaned in frustration, laying back down on my side of the bed. "I'm sorry" "Don't be," I turned to my side. "Goodnight Simon."

It didn't take me long to drift off to sleep, I don't know how long I had been out for when I began to hear small whimpers and groans from the other side of our bed. I sat up, an eyebrow raised as I hadn't pinpointed the sound, looking at the alarm clock on my dresser, *03:23* I sighed softly before I felt a hand grip at my thigh. Simon. That's where the noises was coming from. He was shaking slightly, I swear he had some form of PTSD but he would never go get a diagnosis. "Simon, hey baby." I said softly climbing over to him, cupping his right cheek with my hand. "Come on baby, wake up." I patted his face softly trying to wake him up. His hand found my thigh once more gripping harder than before, I winced as I brought my hand down to his rubbing it soothingly. "It's okay.. it's me," I climbed over his chest straddling him to put some pressure on him. It had worked before and I was praying it would work now. I pushed the mask up just above his nose and planted a small kiss on his lips. "Simon," I pleaded, with a sharp gasp of air he shot up. I fell off his chest and landed in his lap, my hands still cupping his face lightly. "Hey it's okay, you're okay, I'm right here," I pushed the mask off slowly, as his eyes scanned my face softly, his hand loosening on my thigh. I placed a soft kiss to the tip of his nose, as his breathing slowed down softly, "I'm sorry," he murmured, rubbing my thigh where he had been gripping it, there was definitely gonna be a mark. "Don't be," I said with a soft smile this time, running my fingers through his sweat slicked hair. I ran my hands down his chest, "are you okay, for real?" I asked this time with more sincerity, my eyes burning into his, "no," he mumbled quietly, leaning forward and placing his head in the crook of my neck. "You're okay," I ran my hands down his back, "your home." "I know," he mumbled into my neck, "thank you." I smiled softly, hugging him tightly as his hands just rested on my hips. "Of course," I said into his hair, "I'm always here for you." I reassured him. He mumbled something into my neck, I could only assume it was about me staying with him when he got like this, it wasn't the first time he had accidentally bruised me, but I wasn't going anywhere. I wouldn't let him suffer alone. He fell back onto the bed still holding me on his chest, "I love you," he said softly, I smiled into his skin, "I love you too," I said as I leaned up to kiss his lips. laying back down, listening to his heartbeat slow as he drifted off to sleep. I placed a small kiss on his chest as I laid there in his grip, he was my everything and he deserved to know.


This one's kinda short but I promise I'll do better updating them 😭
i'm also really bad at ending stories, if you have suggestions or requests just let me know!

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