Recon Missions ‼️

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i'm back (not proofread and it's almost midnight)

I worked alone, I hated being in the confines of another soldier. So why the hell did Price think assigning me a mission with another was a good idea. On top of that with Ghost of all people, he hated working with others just as much as I do.

We sat in a comfortable silence on the truck ride to the safe house. I never minded his presence, he wasn't one for words which I was fine with, I'm not much of a talker myself. We said a lot with just looks, me more so as I was gazing at him any chance I got. Even if we rarely talked we got along fine, but I guess we'd see how a mission together would go.

I groaned with a stretch as I stepped out of the passenger side of the car, Ghost switching the truck off and grabbing our bags. "Thanks," I mumbled sheepishly, I could've grabbed my own bag, but holy fuck his arms carrying both bags. He grunted in response, making his way into the house. I glanced over my shoulder, taking in the scenery around us as I followed him into the safe house. Safe room would be a better word for it, it had a small kitchen area and a bed, shit. He set both bags down on the bed before turning to look at me, "There's only one bed," he stated matter-of-factly. "I have eyes Lieutenant," I retort with a small laugh, a small awkward silence ensued. I looked down at my feet, shuffling them awkwardly, "So... what's the sleeping arrangement then?" I asked, more so mumbled but he heard me. "I'm not sleeping on the bloody floor," he muttered. Sheesh, I take it he isn't happy about a partner mission either. "Neither am I," I said coolly, trying to gauge a response. He muttered something under his breath, looking down at the bed before he walked off to the bathroom. Looking at the bed made me realize we could manage, it was a queen, big enough for two. Well two normal sized people. "Whys he gotta be so big," I muttered under my breath rummaging through the rather unstocked shelves for a snack.

"Bravo 0-7 to Bravo 0-6, compound in sight, roughly 3 clicks out," "Copy that... what do ya see?" Prices voice returned, "Couple of shipment containers, three buildings." I respond, gazing down my scope. "Affirm, any of them large enough to hold a missile?"

"Affirm, one."

"Affirm, get to it soldiers."

I settled my rifle on my back, grabbing a smaller SMG from its holster as I made my way down to the back side of the compound. I put my back to the smaller shed in the rear turning around to face Ghost. He gives me a small nod letting me know the coast was clear, I return the nod as I step out, looking for the shipment container we had been sent out for. I reach the first container, cutting the lock before opening the door as quietly as I can. "What is it sergeant?" "Drugs, lots of em." I say as I peer around the small container, "are you sure we didn't just raid a regular cartel hideout?" The comms crackle as Ghosts voice comes back on, "No sergeant," he sighs, "the missile was tracked here." I roll my eyes slightly, if he knew the missile was tracked why didn't he come down. Why couldn't he just do the mission alone. I huff and exit the container.

I make my way towards the second container, moving swiftly as Ghost has already sighed up a storm about my speed. I cut the chain once more, opening the door as I peer in. "Drugs and guns." Another sigh, what is it with this guy and sighing. "Affirm, keep moving."

I huff as I make my way to the third container, this one being blue, while the others have been white. "I think this is it Lt," I grunt as I repeat the process of opening the container. "Show me instead of telling me then sergeant," he huffs back. "My god, your a joy to be with," I mumble. "Watch your tone kid." "Yes sir," I mock back, mimicking his gruff tone.

Opening the container door I poke my head inside, instantly noticing the emptiness and dim light in the corner. "Bingo," I say as I make my way inside. "Affirm, heading down," the comm crackles as I hear him standing up to meet me.

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