Knocked Out

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This was a request from a friend of mine using an original character. Enjoy 🫶

"Knockout, how copy?" Price's voice rang through my ears, my legs felt heavy and I couldn't see. "K-O, how copy?" He said again, more urgently than the first time. I couldn't respond, I didn't even know what was happening. Before I could stand back up from the ground another loud explosion sounded through the compound, the blast throwing me back. I landed maybe 30, no 40 feet away, I couldn't tell honestly. I could feel the blood rushing through my body, my mind was spinning as I just laid my head down on the grass beneath me. "Laswell, we have one possible KIA," I choked out a gasp as I felt the blood rushing from the bullet wound in my thigh. "There's no response on Knockouts comms." I reached for the button on my vest, I had to let them know I was okay. I wasn't, but I wasn't dead. I felt around begging my numb fingers to find it before my head fell back to the grass. A silent whimper leaving my lips as the world caved around me.

I was dead, I was sure of it, I couldn't open my eyes but I could feel something. I squirmed softly as I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. "Shh, your okay." A familiar voice rang through the air. I groaned just trying to sit up once more. "No love, lay back, I gotta patch you up." He said, I opened my eyes, my vision heavily blurred but I could make out the all to familiar mask. "Ghost?" I whispered softly. "Mm?" He hummed back as he continued to clean my wound. "Where are we?" I asked, my voice strained and hoarse. "Safe house," he replied gruffly. "Exfils about 2 hours out." I shuddered as I felt the cool breeze hit my leg. We had been sent on a recon mission, me and Ghost were to clear the missile loading bay and meet with Soap and Gaz. But I was shot, the mission had failed horribly. "Where's Johnny, and Kyle?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, "They're fine," He assured me, "Quit talking love, save your energy." He said softly. I realized I was no longer wearing pants, the bullet had hit my thigh and lodged into my muscle, thankfully exiting. I still felt incredibly vulnerable, I was lying on the couch in the tiny safe house, Ghost kneeling next to me tending to my wound. "It's pretty nasty," Ghost mumbled, wrapping gauze around my leg to stop anything from getting in. "But you'll pull through."

"Bravo 7 to Watcher, how copy?" The only response being static. Ghost grunted in annoyance as he tried once more, "This is 7 to Watcher, how copy?" I sighed softly, watching him as he threw his comms onto the table in frustration. "Do they even know we're here?" I asked, Ghost sighed, "Yes the safe house is a marked location." I nodded in response, trying to sit up only to be met with a sharp pain throughout my entire body. I groaned out in pain as I fell back into the couch. "Hey easy there," he said walking over towards me, "just rest love." Tears welled up in my eyes as the pain coursed through me, I was suddenly aware of other wounds I hadn't noticed before. "Come on," he grunted hoisting me up, I moaned in pain as he sat down next to me. "C'mere, it's cold," he stretched an arm out in my direction. It certainly wasn't, it was the middle of July, but I complied anyways, being in so much pain I just needed someone there to take my mind off things. He wrapped his arm around me setting it on my right thigh, luckily not the wounded one. I winced slightly as he retracted his hand looking down at me. "Sorry," he mumbled, "it's okay," I reassured him, grabbing his hand and setting it down on my thigh again. I felt him tense underneath me as I leaned my head against his shoulder. "Thank you," I mumbled quietly. "For what?" He sounded genuinely confused as if he didn't just save my life. I scoffed lightly, "for saving me idiot." He just looked down at his feet, "its just my job." "And for letting me do this," I sighed, he was right, the safe house was a little cold, but he certainly didn't have to hold me. "Did you patch every thing?" I asked softly as I could feel several knife wounds in my chest, luckily my vest stopped them from being fatal. He nodded softly turning his gaze away from me. I smiled warmly as I placed a light kiss on his jaw, covered by his balaclava, "thank you," I said. "It's my job, can't let you die," he shrugged.

We just sat there in a comfortable silence, my legs over his, his arms wrapped around me. I don't know when I did but I drifted off to sleep on him. Sleep was welcomed graciously at the pain I had suffered, knowing I would be kept off the next few missions for recovery. I stirred slightly as I felt a rumbling beneath my cheek, noting that Ghost was talking to someone. "Watcher to Bravo 7, exfil is two clicks out." "Affirm." I gazed up at him my eyes half-lidded having just woken up. He just looked down at me, rubbing my back softly as he got up and grabbed his gear. I frowned slightly as he stood leaving me alone on the couch but I knew we had to get going. I went to stand to grab my tactical vest, "Sit love," he said, "I'll carry that." I just nodded, I didn't think I could walk anyways. "Exfil 1 click out." I heard Nikolai say over the comms. "Copy," Ghost said, "Come on," he threw everything over his shoulder before walking over to me. "I can walk," I lied, I couldn't, but he didn't need to do anything else for me. "You can but you won't," he said matter-of-factly as he picked me up bridal style. Carrying me out of the safe house, more of a shack but it worked I guess. The sound of helicopter blades getting louder as I saw it in the distance. I wrapped my arms around him as the chopper landed, wind picking up heavily. He carried me on where we were met by a team of medics, he set me down on the cot before moving to the other side to sit down. I glanced at him from time to time, noticing that he was always looking at me. I wanted him to stay with me but I knew he wouldn't, he would kill me if I ever told anyone he let me lay on his chest in the safe house. The chopper landed and I was hauled off the the medbay, "See you 'round K-O" he said softly, I gave him a meek smile, nodding softly.

I had been in the medbay for about a week now, turns out I had suffered two bullet wounds, one to the shoulder which Ghost had patched as well. The nurses told me I should be thankful cause if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have made it. Believe me I was more than thankful. The force had come to visit me, Price coming to check on me, and bring me something to read, Gaz and Soap brought a deck of cards and we played games during their off duties. But my favorite time was dinner. I usually did nothing but sleep, and wasn't hungry but Ghost would always come and sit with me while he ate.

"Come on love you gotta eat," He said pushing my plate towards me. "I hate hospital food," I whined slightly, I wanted nothing more than a giant steak to tear into. "I know darling but if you don't eat they won't discharge you." He said, his eyes boring into mine, putting emphasis on his words. I reluctantly grabbed my fork and shoved the stale, dry chicken into my mouth, nose crinkling in disgust. Ghost just laughed at me, I shot him a glance in response. After finishing my god awful food we just sat there, talking about nothing and everything. He told me about his day, the antics of Soap and Gaz, Price getting fed up with them as per usual. I felt warm listening to him, it felt nice knowing he was here cause he wanted to be, not because he felt obligated.

The hours passed and I yawned tiredly, "thank you again," I said softly, "you really did save my life." His hand reached for mine and he squeezed it softly, "of course." He said with a small smile, his mask was pulled up to his nose. What I wouldn't give to take it off. I yawned once more as I picked my phone up to look at the time, *23:30* "I better let you get some rest love," he said standing up. He placed a small kiss on my forehead, almost returning the one I had given him in the safe house. I smiled softly, I wanted him to stay but I didn't want to bother him with asking. "Goodnight love," he said softly, "Goodnight Ghost." "One more thing... call me Simon," he said placing another kiss on my forehead before he squeezed my hand. I smiled as I felt a blush rise to my cheeks before watching him walk off back to the barracks. I think I'm falling for him.

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