One Day

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oh my god i'm back, i apologize new semester started at school and i got lazy, anyways i figured i'd write something 😋

Simon was a quiet and reserved man, he talked when talked to, he harbored resentment for nearly everything, and most of all, he hated social gatherings. So why was he at one now? The only reason he'd ever go to one...


"Relax Si, it's just my family, you've met them all before," I intertwine my fingers with his underneath the table, giving him a sheepish smile.

Yea I know he hates social gatherings and he probably hated me right now for bringing him, but it was my sister's wedding, I most definitely wasn't missing that.

He sighed as he looked at me, giving me a half smile. "I feel like I'm being stared at," he murmurs quietly. I sigh as well, running my thumb over the back of his hand.

"Can you blame them, have you seen yourself in a suit?" I tease, he just looks at me unamused. Sheesh.
"I feel so vulnerable right now... I hate it." Did I say not to wear the mask... yes, do I feel horrible now... also yes. "Exposure therapy," I said with a soft laugh as I gazed up at him.

He just grunted in response. The reception had already been done and over with, couples were dancing on the floor as slow music played. As much as I wanted to dance I figured we could do the same thing in our living room where he felt comfortable.

"Everyone looks so happy."

"It's a wedding Si, it's one of the happiest days of someone's life."

"Yeah well I'm bloody miserable."

I sighed softly, moving my hand off of his to rub his back. He tensed slightly from the touch, giving me a sideways glance, I gave him a meek smile. "I'm sorry baby, I just wasn't gonna miss my sister's wedding." He leaned back in his chair, "I know I know, I just, why did I have to come?"

I frowned slightly at that, was he insane? Not a chance in hell was I going to a wedding alone. I've done plenty of things with him I never wanted to do, what made him think-

"Cause you're my boyfriend, and you love me," I said with a smile. He just gave me a half smile back and muttered something that sounded like a 'you're damn lucky'. I watched as his gaze drifted from couple to couple, just taking in the emotions of the room. His eyes stopped on my sister and her husband, he bit his lip, clearly lost in thought.

"You think we'll be that happy when we get married?"

I arched my brow as I looked at him, not once has this man ever brought up the idea of marriage to me, now he's telling me we're getting married? "Are you implying we're getting married then?" I ask, he has a small smile on his lips and I'm lost, is he serious? does he want to get married? He spent months telling me he wasn't ready for a relationship, now we haven't even been together for two years and he's telling me this?

"Well I kinda figured," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck, "I dunno, you said you loved me didn't you?" I nodded as I looked over to all the couples on the dance floor, strange reason but okay. I was completely lost in thought that this idea was just sprung on me out of nowhere before his voice cut through the air.

"Would you marry me? Or what's it... will you marry me?" He sounded genuine, my heart stopped and he just looked at me smiling, expecting an answer or a nod.

"You're not proposing are you?" I asked quietly. He laughed and shook his head, "No, I'm just wondering, if I did propose, would you?" I blinked a couple of times, what in the hell was going on. "Well, would you?" I snapped back into place, "I- I, I would yes," I nodded, "You've just hit me completely out of left field."

He chuckled softly, clearly amused at my almost bewildered state. He brought his hands to mine, holding them tightly as he looked into my eyes. "I'm serious love," he murmured softly, "I'm gonna make you mine one day."

My heart stuttered, this man I swear. I grinned at him stupidly, god I was head over heels. He chuckled at my reaction, leaning in towards me as our faces were mere inches apart now, eyes flickering from my lips to my eyes.

"C'mere you big git," I mumbled as I reached a hand up to his head, tangling it in his hair as I pulled him to me until our lips were smushed together. He sighed softly into the kiss and I could feel as if the world disappeared around us.

His hands moved to rest on my hips, I normally would take this as a cue to move to his lap, but we were in public and I'm not too keen on prying eyes. He groaned softly into the kiss, parting as we both gasped for air.

chuckling softly underneath my breath as I peered around, people had most definitely been watching. He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie as he sat back in his chair, attempting to make it look like nothing had just happened.

"So when are we getting married?"

"Jesus Si, you just sprung this on me"

"So we'll go ring shopping when we get home then?"

A soft sigh leaves my lips, leaning against his shoulder as I smiled up at him,

"That sounds nice"

this one's short i apologize i'm working on more 🫶

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