Knocked Out Pt.2

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i'm in a writing mood tonight

My eyes fluttered open as the lights hummed above me. I was still confined to my bed, I couldn't leave if I tried given the condition of my leg. I sighed softly as I watched a nurse enter my room bringing me a bowl of oatmeal to eat. "Morning," he greeted. "Morning," I said back quietly, reluctantly accepting the oats. "You should be clear to leave today," he noted skimming through my file at the door, "just stay off that leg, we can get a pair of crutches for you." I nodded keeping my head down, I was ecstatic to be free, I hated this glum room, all white with no personality. "I'll have a doctor come by later to confirm." He finished, giving me a solemn nod and heading out the doors.

"Hey kid, how you feeling?" Price said as he walked in the room. "I'm good," I said warmly, "should be getting out today." He smiled at me softly pushing a hair out of my face. I loved Price in the way that a kid loves their father, he was always very protective of me as I was the youngest on the Force, and relatively new as well. "That's good to hear, I'll let the boys know." I grinned, as I saw him hand a box to me, "I made Johnny go out and get you some food," he whispered, "I know how shite hospital food is." "Your a life saver," my mouth watering at the sight of a cheeseburger and fries before me. He chuckled at me softly, grabbing a cigar from his pocket bringing it to his lips. "Best be on my way," he sighed, "keep my children in check." I laughed at him, mouth full of fries as I devoured the food before me. "Catch you later kid"

I smiled warmly as I watched the boys from out the window in my room. Ghost standing still menacingly as ever behind Gaz and Soap who were fighting each other for god knows why. I began to drift off, watching the boys as Soap had Gaz in a headlock, I chuckled softly to myself, closing my eyes and sighing.

I hadn't been out for long, an hour a most before I was awoken by a hand on my head. "Morning sunshine," I heard him joke as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Mmm," I grumbled, looking up at him with tired eyes. He chuckled softly as his hand moved down to my chin, lifting it slightly as his other hand lifted his mask just above his nose. He leaned down to place a small kiss to my lips. Something about his touch had me melting into the bed, he was this ruthless, killing machine of a man, yet his touch was so gentle with me. Part of me wondered if he'd ever use his hands roughly on me. Goddammit stop, I scolded myself silently. He was just so enticing and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him. I wanted him, but I didn't know how to say it, part of me thought he wanted me too. "Heard your getting out," he mumbled softly, "Yeah, sometime soon." "When can you return to training?" I scoffed lightly, so that's what your worried about, really, "two weeks." He grunted in response his hand running over my thigh softly, circling around the wound. I shivered lightly under him, silently begging for him to keep touching me. He pulled a chair underneath him so he could sit next to the bed. I bit my lip softly gazing into his eyes, "yknow you could just sit up here," I suggested shyly.

Not even five minutes after he had climbed onto the bed with me, our hands were all over each other. He was hovering over me, his hands tangled in my hair as he pressed his lips against mine feverishly. My hands found their place on his shoulders, "Simon~" I groaned out against him. He moved his mouth from my lips to my jaw, sucking every now and then as I let out a breathy sigh. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back up to my lips. Just then someone cleared their throat from the door, we pulled away from each other hastily. My eyes widened slightly but relief flooded over me when I realized it was just Soap. "Interrupting something am I?" He asked, an eyebrow raised as he walked into the room. "Not a fucking word, Johnny," Ghost said lowly, a threatening undertone to his comment. "Wouldn't dream of it Lt," he said with a smirk, "never said you two had to quit." "Oh shut up," I muttered, embarrassed at the situation I had found myself in.

The doctor had cleared me to leave, I was pretty much stuck on bed rest, just allowed to move to my barrack. They gave me crutches to help ease the pain in my left leg but Ghost insisted he carry me to my room. Of course this prompted Soap to make a couple breathy sighs and moans, mimicking me from earlier.

He carried me bridal style through the base, making his way through the barracks as if I weighed nothing. Upon reaching and entering my room he set me down on my bed. I sighed as I laid back onto my sheets, just basking in the feel of finally being in my own room. "Now we can finish what we started," he crooned in my ear, his voice low and husky, "and this time without being walked in on." I shuddered lightly as he lifted his mask once more just above his nose. What I wouldn't give to rip that thing right off his head, my breath hitched slightly as I just gazed into his eyes. He was straddled over top of me on my bed, and god did he look amazing this way. "Your fuckin' beautiful you know that?" He said leaning down to capture my lips with his, deepening the kiss almost instantly. I groaned slightly as my hands immediately found themselves at the back of his head. It wasn't long before he nipped at my lower lip, asking for entry to which I happily allowed him, our tongues battling for dominance. "God your perfect," he praised as he broke away from me, flipping us over so that I was straddled over his abdomen. I winced slightly at the sudden movement, a dull ache in my shoulder. He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss over the wound, moving slowly up my collarbone and to my neck. I let out a low moan as I tilted my head to the side giving him more access to the sensitive spots on my neck. He sucked feverishly as if his life depended on it, I smiled softly knowing damn well he would be leaving a mark. He broke away admiring his work as a dark purple bruise began to form on my neck, just below my jaw. "So fuckin' beautiful," he praised again, earning a soft moan from me.

We made out for what felt like forever, I never wanted it to end. "Simon, oh my god," I groaned as he sucked at my jaw. "Such a pretty girl, all for me, yeah?" I nodded, it felt like my heart was in my throat, not being able to form words. His eyes met mine as he captured my lips in a small kiss, "good girl." He praised softly as he flipped us over so that I was once more on top. God I was folding for this man, everything about him. I laid my head down in the crook of his neck, sighing softly as I rested my eyes for a moment. "Goodnight love," He said placing a kiss on the top of my head, "Goodnight Simon." I felt him sigh underneath me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Just listening to his soft breathing and his heart beating in his chest was enough to lull me to sleep. I mumbled something incoherent as I snuggled deeper into his chest, never wanting to leave the warmth of him.


I know he's not the most soft person in the word but I'm gonna write him like he is idc 🫡

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