01 | Prologue

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"I seem to have fallen for you, Ms Marsh" - Minji Kim said this completely out of context, when Danielle was bringing her some Paperwork, which she just dropped on the floor after hearing that.

"Sry, but i just can't keep it anymore, i fucking love you Dani!" - Hanni Pham was pretty out of breath as she confessed to Danielle, since she just ran over to her work place after work.

". . . i love you." - Haerin Kang confessed to her, leaving Danielle standing alone in the elevator and entering her own apartment.

| Some time later |

"Oh shit, what's happened to you? You look like a zombie, sis," Hyein looked from the couch to the front door as she watched Danielle take off her shoes.

Danielle didn't answer directly, rather she dragged herself over to the couch and flopped down on it right next to Hyein. She threw her head back and groaned loudly: "Today has been the strangest day in a long time, believe me"

Hyein tilted her head and looked over at the other girl, a little over-questioning; she could already guess what had happened. "Why? Did someone confess their love to you?" she joked, forming an amused grin on her lips.

Right now the secretary turned her head to her sister and looked at her with a raised eyebrow: "Are you clairvoyant or what? Not just one person, three at once! I couldn't even react to that!" She threw her arms up in the air and over the back of the couch as she groaned again in annoyance.

"Wait... so it wasn't just Haerin and Hanni who confessed their love for you? Damn, Danielle, you're really popular, what a rad sister I have!" Hyein giggled to herself and could no longer hide her broad grin, playfully slapping Danielle's thigh: "Who else has a crush on you?"

"My boss..." came out of Danielle as if automatically, before she sat upright again and turned completely to Hyein: "What? You knew about Haerin and Hanni having a thing for me? Why am I always the last to know?" It really was unbelievable, but the amused look on her sister's face spoke volumes.

"What? No! Are you kidding me now, your boss? Really?" Hyein's giggle turned into a bigger laugh and she briefly jumped up and down on the couch before turning to her sister: "Oh come on, please Dani. You don't even notice when it's happening right in front of you and Hanni could really be read like an open book."

Danielle averted her eyes again and hid her face in her hands, propping her elbows on her lap. "What am I supposed to do now? I can't just choose someone and hurt the other two. Especially as I don't even know if I have feelings for them myself." Her voice was muffled, but you could still hear her conflicting feelings.

"Well, if I were you, I'd go after your boss. Maybe then we could live in total luxury and never have to go to work again if you play the good wife!" Hyein only earned a side blow with that, but she had already expected it anyway: "No ok, I was just joking. But do you really have no feelings for the three of them? What about Hanni, for example? You've known each other all your lives."

Danielle took her hands away from her face again and looked thoughtful: "Well, Hanni was always there for me and often helped me out of trouble, I'd be lying if I hadn't thought about going out with her. But I'm too scared that it would destroy our friendship.

"See, that's at least something, what about your boss? That Minji Kim, do you like something about her?" Hyein leaned more against the back of the couch and stretched her arm over it, her gaze became a little more serious and she really tried to help her sister.

"Hmm..." Danielle also leaned back again and lost herself in her thoughts for a moment before raising her voice again, "She's really professional and no matter how much stress we have at work, she always seems to be the calm one. I admire her for her work ethic, even if she can be a bit strict at times... and yes I have to admit she's really pretty."

Hyein nodded her head and put on a soft smile again, she changed her sitting position and now looked cross-legged in Danielle's direction, "Ok ok and what do you think of my best friend? Haerin? She's pretty cool too isn't she?"

"Well," Danielle reached for her chin and stroked her cheek with her thumb, a small smile turning up on her mouth, "I don't really know much about her, but this mysterious aura around her does make me curious. She always seems collected and independent, but I've always thought she'd like you more."

Frustrated, Danielle threw her head back on her neck, her gaze fixed on the ceiling and she let her arms fall beside her on the couch. "Then ehhh... tell them you're still unsure? Maybe you'll just go out with them and then decide?" Hyein somehow tried to make it sound as uncomplicated as possible, but Danielle's situation really wasn't easy to solve.

"It's no use, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed, maybe I'll think of something better tomorrow." With that, Danielle got up from the sofa and briefly put her hand on her sister's head as she walked past before disappearing into the bathroom, where the splashing water of the shower could be heard relatively quickly. Finished with her hygiene routine, she waved goodnight to Hyein and trotted into her room, where she flopped face first onto the bed. "What the hell am I doing now?" she muttered to herself, how could this have happened to her? And why did it all have to happen in one day! ...hopefully it was just a crazy dream and when she wakes up tomorrow morning, everything will be just like yesterday and without complications.


Author: Ok! I hope you like the idea behind it? The beginning of my second story here on Wattpad, I also changed the writing style a bit. Not as blocky as in my first story, maybe it's more pleasant to read? Let me know your impression here! Thanks for reading and see you next time! :D

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