02 | Big Boss in Love

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To be honest, Danielle would never have expected her boss of all people to go to the trouble of picking her up from home and driving her to work

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To be honest, Danielle would never have expected her boss of all people to go to the trouble of picking her up from home and driving her to work. As her secretary, she knew very well that Minji didn't have any appointments at this time of day, but of course it could be something personal?

She didn't want to keep her boss waiting for long, the brunette put on her shoes and reached for the key on the hook outside the front door: "I'm off then, don't you dare be late for your part-time job again Hyein!" There wasn't much to hear from her sister at that moment, she probably wasn't really awake yet.

Just as Danielle came out of the front door and closed it behind her, she could look directly into Haerin's face, who was staring in her direction without greeting her, as she often did. "Oh... e-ehm... good morning Haerin." A little more nervous than usual, Danielle broke the silence between them and walked down the hall to the elevator.

The younger woman followed her quietly and still didn't get a word in edgewise. She merely stood next to the dark-haired woman and looked over at the elevator as she watched the number grow larger. When the elevator arrived, they both got in and Danielle pressed the button for the first floor while Haerin watched her quietly.

The way down literally stretched into infinity. This silence made Danielle very nervous and she didn't know what to say. But she had to say something, didn't she? She plucked up all her courage and turned to Haerin: "Ok, I'm really grateful-"

Before Danielle even had a chance to finish her sentence, she was promptly interrupted by the other as Haerin raised her hand to eye level. At that moment, the elevator dinged and the sliding doors opened, prompting Haerin to get out. Outside the elevator, she turned back on her heel and gave Danielle the smallest of smiles, "Take tomorrow off, I want to show you something."

The surprised look on Danielle's face could be seen from miles away. Once again, she was standing there and Haerin just left her there, because she simply walked away after her demand. Now she's just supposed to take tomorrow off? As if it would be that easy!

She didn't have time to get any more worked up about it, because she couldn't possibly keep her boss waiting, who had been standing around outside for what felt like half an hour. Danielle left the building and headed straight for Minji's car, where she got in without further ado ... in the back seat of the car.

The older woman turned around in the back of the driver's seat and looked over at Danielle, a little confused, "Why are you sitting in the back, Ms. Marsh?" Minji put a faint smile on her lips, maybe she had done something wrong after all? She probably shouldn't have come at all, she is her boss after all.

"I-I.. I didn't w-want to be too rude, Ms Kim," came out of Danielle, who now averted her eyes, somewhat embarrassed. They both remained in their positions for a moment before the secretary moved to the front.

"Well it's fine by me. Oh and... eh... I think Minji is quite enough." You could tell that the dark-haired girl was getting quite nervous too, but she continued to cover it up with her stoic manner as she started the engine: "Coffee... yes, the coffee is on the console ..so if you want it. The water bottle is in the glove compartment"

Danielle could already see the cups well enough, she didn't need to mention that again. But somehow her behavior was a little sweet? She had never seen her boss behave so awkwardly before, usually she always had everything under control, but this was a completely different story.

The secretary gratefully took one of the coffee cups and held it under her nose to take in the smell. Yes, she couldn't object to a good cup of coffee right now and it would certainly work wonders. But before she took the first sip, she looked over at her boss again: "This might be a bit sudden, but can I have tomorrow off?"

"Huh? Sure, of course, I can handle one day without you," Minji said with a laugh before her eyes widened when she realized seconds later how that just sounded: "Well, I mean I'll just ask someone else to help me out"

Danielle raised a brow skeptically before calmly taking a sip of her coffee and letting the statement sink in. As if things would go haywire at work if she wasn't there for a day, she didn't take time off that often.

"A-Also... do you have any specific plans for tomorrow?" Minji didn't want the rest of the journey to end in an awkward silence, so she simply continued to try her luck with small talk: "Do you want me to drive you home again today? I'm sure it's exhausting having to take the bus back and forth, isn't it?"

"Not really at all. Besides, you pay me enough that I could even take a cab to work every day," Danielle mentioned in passing and continued to occupy herself with the cup in her hands. A small smile hopped onto her lips, her boss was pretty cute, wasn't she?

Unfortunately for Minji, silence prevailed for the rest of the journey and any attempts at further small talk failed because she either didn't know what to talk about or blurted out the most banal things. When she arrived at the company's parking garage, she pulled her key out of the ignition and turned back to her secretary: "Well... there... eh... I guess we're here"

The 26-year-old unbuckled her seatbelt without further ado and nodded in confirmation of her boss's statement before giving her a smile and getting out of the car. Danielle didn't want to sit in it any longer, because being around Minji any longer would make her heart go crazy.

She tried so hard to make it as pleasant as possible for Danielle and of course the secretary noticed. All the stupid questions during the drive suddenly seemed less unimportant and it also seemed a bit like Minji was trying to find out if she was seeing someone else tomorrow?

"Is it still okay for me to drive you home later?" the question rang out in the room again as Minji pressed the button for the elevator and then turned her gaze back to Danielle, a small hope reflected in her eyes.

Danielle was reluctant to refuse, but she didn't know what else was going to happen today, so she just kept her little smile: "If everything goes according to plan, then it's fine." She didn't want to get her hopes up, but on the other hand, it wasn't a clear no to the question either.

This was the start of her typical working day and, as you would expect, not everything went as planned, because it never did. Various clients complained about things, the printer simply stopped printing and two or three workers called in sick. So it was generally a bad day at work, but nothing that could spoil Danielle's mood, no, she infected her colleagues with her cheerful nature and made sure that they all did their best.


Author: I should actually go to sleep... it's already 6am here with me, oof. But what can you do when the idea keeps you awake ha.

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