07 | Overtime

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| Some days later, Workplace |

Danielle still couldn't quite believe what had happened the last days. She really hadn't thought that the fight for her would turn out like this. So what would come next? The days at the office passed and it seemed as if everything had gone back to the way it was. Everyone was absorbed in their work and actually concentrating on it. Hanni was doing a great job, Haerin was learning really quickly and Minji? She hardly got to see her boss in the last few days because she was on a business trip and had to take care of an important client for her company. She only got messages from her and they were mostly about work. Maybe she should be happy, but ... somehow Danielle was also sad about it? Argh, why was it so complicated! She shouldn't develop feelings for three women at the same time, why can't she just choose one? What was her heart doing to her, did it really just want to put obstacles in her way?

Today was another one of those days where everything seemed boring and busy. Danielle sat at her desk and worked through various emails while she drank her coffee from her favorite mug, a dog-shaped cup, and scrolled through random reports. There really was a lot to do and more and more was coming in and it looked like it wasn't going to end any time soon. Even Haerin, who was sitting directly opposite her, was completely focused on her work and there were several piles of paperwork on her desk. The secretary let out a sigh and leaned back into the chair, stretching once before leaning a little more in Haerin's direction, crossing her arms on her own desk: "Hey... do you need any help? I could show you-" Before she could continue her sentence, Haerin shook her head: "No." A simple and easy no.. Danielle didn't even know she could say no to her, usually Haerin always tried to do everything with her and Danielle always had to say no. "O...kay?" perhaps a little bitter, but she shrugged her shoulders indifferently. She should be happy that she wasn't caught off guard by her today and enjoy a quiet day.

Danielle got up from her seat, grabbed her cup and decided to stretch her legs a little. A little break from work would certainly do her good and besides, she just wanted to talk to a few people, chat a bit, socialize. Today, however, was clearly a bit of a mess, really no one was in the mood for a little chat and most of the staff were either completely swamped with work or simply not interested in chatting at the moment. At some point, Danielle arrived at Hanni's desk and leaned on it with one hand: "Hey bestie~~~~ And what are you up to?" She tried to fish for her attention, but even she didn't seem to take the bait. What the hell? Hanni's eyes were glued to the screen and she gave Danielle a quick pat on the hand as a greeting: "Sorry, sweetheart, but I really can't right now, later?" The secretary waved her hand away and turned on her heel. Now not even her best friend wanted to skip work? The one who never did homework at school? This was getting really ridiculous ... or maybe Danielle didn't want to admit that she was worried about the sudden lack of attention. 

It went on like this for the rest of the day. Danielle kept trying to get Haerin and Hanni's attention, but she had no success at all. Eventually she found someone she could talk to and clear her head from work, but to be fair, it wasn't exactly exhilarating. Nevertheless, she managed to leave her work to one side, which was perhaps why she was a little behind, but it didn't really bother her, after all, she didn't seem to have anything else to do today but work. Just to be clear: Danielle would never normally neglect her work like this. Which she wouldn't do now, because shortly before closing time, Danielle sat at her desk again and continued working on her documents after taking several short breaks. Everything had to be finished by tomorrow anyway, because her boss would be back and she would definitely need these documents.

| Just after worktime |

Most of her colleagues were already starting to call it a day. Her shift was over, as was Danielle's, but she stayed on because she was far from finished with her work for the day. This time she sat focused on her screen and managed to convince herself that today was just a bad day for social interaction. Out of the corner of her eye, however, she noticed Haerin getting up from her desk and stretching. As she did so, the secretary caught a glimpse of the exposed skin on her stomach and when she caught herself doing so, she immediately looked back at her screen. At the same moment, Hanni suddenly came around the corner and clapped her hands in delight: "Aigo, finally done. How's it looking girls, did you want to go for a drink? A few of our colleagues have discovered a new place in the area and we wanted to try it out." Of course, now of all times, when Danielle had long since given up on getting any action for the day.

Choose me, Secretary Marsh [Ninizz vs Husseyzz vs Daerin]Where stories live. Discover now