03 | Beautiful Night Sky

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Danielle's evening was approaching and the cab home was also canceled because Minji got a call from her mother and therefore couldn't make it. Of course it would have been nice, but there's nothing you can do about it.

She stood at the door inside Minji's office and bowed slightly to say goodbye to her: "I'm going to call it a day now." All she got in reply was a quick ok from behind the pile of paperwork and that was all she got. Danielle went back to her desk, picked up her handbag and made her way out of the building.

When she arrived in the foyer, she looked in surprise at someone she knew. Hanni was already waiting for her, sitting opposite the reception desk and nervously wiggling her leg while her gaze kept wandering to the elevators until she saw her best friend.

She immediately stood up and walked towards Danielle, raising her hand in greeting and giving her a big grin, "Finally done, huh?" Danielle didn't know why she was here, but she didn't really question it any further. She merely stopped in front of the shorter girl and gave her a quick hug in greeting.

"Yes..." Danielle looked her in the eye and drew her brows together in confusion, "...why are you here? Has something happened?" Hanni just shook her head in response, "No, it's fine, I just wanted to, eh, do you fancy a little walk?" With that, her bestie turned halfway to the exit and gestured with her hand to leave.

Somehow Danielle could already guess where the whole thing might lead and now it was making her a little nervous, but she didn't want Hanni to wait for her here for nothing. She gave a curt nod of agreement as her legs carried her out into the street.

Hanni followed her and the two of them walked side by side for a few minutes in complete silence. The sky was already dark, street lamps and illuminated signs lit their way and occasionally their shadows crossed the ground in front of them when a car passed them from behind.

An audible sigh escaped Hanni's throat and she rubbed her hand over the back of her neck. "I messed up, didn't I?" she broke the silence and let her gaze wander up to the shining stars. This strange feeling prevailed between the two women and apparently neither of them knew how to deal with it.

"Of course I did, I always do..." the shorter girl continued and it took a while, but Danielle turned her gaze to the floor and finally got a word in edgewise: "Don't say that. You're just being honest, it must have been hard for you.

There was another moment of silence and they both stopped at a red light. "I-I just need a little more time... I'm sorry," came from Danielle and Hanni turned her gaze on her. A small smile formed on her lips, it was neither a yes nor a no, so it gave her the hope she needed.

"Sure, of course, take all the time you need," Hanni replied immediately, not wanting to impose on her. But an idea popped up in her mind and she looked over at her best friend again: "How about we just hang out for a bit at the weekend? No wait, I don't mean just hanging out. A date, yes a date is what I mean."

The suggestion was met with a thoughtful look from Danielle, it sounded like a good idea and it would probably help her to organize her thoughts and feelings. After all, she wanted to give them a fair chance, but that would mean that she would probably have to ask Minji out as well?

Danielle nodded in agreement and when the traffic light turned green, she was about to take the first step onto the street crossing: "I think-" She was abruptly interrupted when she was pulled back by the wrist and found herself in Hanni's arms and only then could she hear the loud engine of a car. The car pulled completely through the red light and Hanni just managed to save her from being hit by the car.

"WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT A FUCKING DRIVING STYLE YOU HAVE, YOU BITCH!" the 27-year-old yelled after her, holding Danielle tightly in her grip to protect her from further danger. However, she quickly realized how she had acted out of reflex and looked anxiously to see if her friend had any injuries on her body: "Are you okay? Are you all right? ...man, if I catch them, I'll beat the bloody red light onto their fucking head!"

To be honest, Danielle hadn't noticed much of the whole thing because her thoughts were elsewhere at the moment. But she raised her arms reassuringly and stopped Hanni in her search for injuries: "Hanni, it's okay, nothing happened to me."

But one thing was clear to Danielle in this case, her heart was racing like crazy at the sudden closeness to her friend, so she seemed to have subconscious feelings for her too? But she didn't feel that way before? Strange, maybe it was just the confession that caused the change? But she didn't let on and made it clear to Hanni that everything really was all right.

Some time later after the little accident, they were both sitting on a bench near Danielle's apartment complex. Hanni had bought them both a soda can, which Danielle was taking a sip from and then clutching with both hands. "It just reminds me of that one night," Hanni spoke up again and leaned her head back, her eyes once again on the night sky.

"Huh?" Danielle responded to the statement, first looking over at Hanni and then up at the canopy of stars herself. "Don't you remember? When you called me in the middle of the night because your sister was feeling so bad and it turned out that she just needed a good fart?" Hanni started to laugh and put her empty can down next to her on the bench.

"Oh! ...God, please don't remind me, that was incredibly embarrassing." Danielle was immediately overcome with laughter, but she buried her face in her hands at the same time. "We ended up sitting here on exactly the same bench," Hanni turned back to her friend, "did I actually tell you that I almost set my apartment on fire because of it?"

"Omg, what? Hanni! No, you didn't, why?" Shocked, Danielle turned back to her friend, who only had a big grin on her face. But she immediately avoided her gaze again and it was hard to see the blush on her face: "I was cooking when you called. You were so worried about your sister that I just didn't want to leave you alone and forgot to turn off the stove"

But Hanni immediately gestured reassuringly with her hands: "But luckily nothing happened of course, it turned out that my pot was quite heat-resistant. Only the contents were difficult to scrape off afterwards." Her eyes fell back to Danielle, "What I'm actually trying to say is ... that was the moment I realized that my feelings for you were real."

Danielle didn't have the words to answer, she just looked over at her friend. You could see in her face how happy it made her to be able to say the things in her heart freely. A warmth began to spread across Danielle's cheeks and she immediately stood up from her seat.

"It's getting pretty late, isn't it?" It really did sound like she was trying to fob Hanni off, but she was actually just getting super nervous. Hanni stood up herself, the soft smile on her face only made Danielle more nervous: "Sure, I don't want to keep you any longer, thanks for taking the time for me, Dani

The smaller girl pulled her friend into a hug, which Danielle naturally reciprocated, and it was time to say goodbye. As they turned their backs on each other, Danielle paused for a moment before turning to Hanni again: "Thank you, Hanni... see you at the weekend."

Naturally, Hanni turned around and watched Danielle disappear behind the front door of the building after her words. When she was sure that her friend couldn't see her, Hanni jumped for joy and squealed softly. "Fuck yeah, Hanni! That didn't go so badly after all! Your rizz is just the best, for real" Her night was probably going to be a long one, but she finally made her way home after talking to herself.


Author: ..it's time for another chapter, baby.

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