06 | Overwhelmed with Love

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| 2 Weeks later, Workplace |

Danielle's workplace has become much more chaotic since all three of her admirers suddenly started working there. Not only did they find out that the other one was in Danielle's life, they saw it as a challenge to win her heart. None of them had the thought in their heads that they wanted to give up and they even ruined each other's tour with her. She was really surprised that Minji hadn't fired them yet when she obviously had the upper hand, after all, she was the boss. Did they make a deal? Of course they must have discussed something among themselves, especially after this morning. Both Minji and Haerin were of the opinion that they wanted to drive her to work. When Danielle came out of the apartment complex with Haerin, Minji was already there waiting, she hadn't even told her and probably just wanted to surprise her, only Haerin didn't like it at all and they started discussing who Danielle should go with. In the end, Danielle just went on her own and took the bus. The two of them must have had a heated conversation because they were actually late for work.

"What luck, the stray cat isn't here yet," a voice brought Danielle from her thoughts back to real life and when she looked to see who it was, she glanced at Hanni's face. Danielle furrowed her brows: "Don't be so rude, she hasn't done anything to you." The secretary really couldn't understand how these women could fight over her every day. Didn't it get boring at some point? Why do they even do this to themselves? But Hanni put on a serious look and placed her palms on Danielle's desk, leaning closer to her: "She wants to take you away from me, that's reason enough, I'm not giving up that easily." Really? This whole game was getting really ridiculous. Danielle was losing her patience more and more when it came to being courted. Did they even think about how it would make her feel? The secretary got up from her seat and walked past Hanni with various papers in her arms. 

Hanni followed her with her gaze, of course she did, "Where are you going?" "Working, that's what you should be doing." But that wasn't quite enough of an answer for Hanni and she went after the other girl. The whole office already knew about it and sometimes it seemed as if Danielle's life had become a soap show for her coworkers. Rumor has it that there is even a list somewhere of who has had the best chances with her so far. Of course Danielle had expected something like this, her colleagues loved gossip more than their spouses, for real. To escape all the stares, she immediately disappeared into the printer room, closely followed by Hanni, who was hot on her heels. Danielle laid out her papers and switched on the copier, whereupon she placed the first sheet. "Are you trying to tell me that you don't like me anymore?" Hanni's voice rang out again as she stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. 

"I never said that." Of course Danielle liked her friend. Even more than she wanted to admit, but it wasn't easy for her. Her feelings were becoming far too complicated. She found herself in a nasty love quandary, because over the weeks she realized that she was actually developing feelings for all three of them. A real kick in the butt, her own heart even went against her and gave her the middle finger when it could have been so easy. A soft click rang through her ears and Danielle's attention turned to the other person in the room. Hanni had closed the door and was moving slowly towards her: "So that means you like me after all?" Suddenly the room filled with an enormous heat... or was it just her? Danielle gulped: "W-what are you doing Hanni?" As her friend came closer, her heart beat faster and faster. Within seconds she was suddenly trapped, Hanni's arms pinning her to the photocopier, which Danielle could now clearly feel at her back. 

When their eyes met, an incredible tension built up between them. Danielle raised her hands to her chest, she didn't know where to put them. Hanni just looked into her eyes... no wait... her gaze drifted downwards. What exactly was she up to? Did she want to- not a second later, when Danielle was able to draw her conclusions, Hanni leaned forward and placed her lips on hers. Even though she had just seen it coming, she was still completely surprised. Her hands were now placed on Hanni's chest and she was about to push her friend away, but she raised her own hand and clasped one of hers. Danielle's heart was pumping wildly, was this really what a kiss felt like? Her mind clouded over and before she knew it, she unconsciously began to react, to reciprocate, to want. Hanni grinned confidently into the kiss and pressed herself more against Danielle, who was almost sitting on the photocopier. The kiss was intense, almost too intense, and it elicited sounds from the secretary that she didn't even know she was capable of.

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