08 | Through Hyein's Eyes

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| some days later, marsh-lee houshold |

"Nonsense, lie down again immediately," Hyein scolded Danielle in an unusually stern tone and immediately pushed her back onto her bed. The 26-year-old looked anything but well. Her hair was a mess, she was all sweaty and she was coughing like there was no tomorrow. Nevertheless, she insisted on going to work because it was oh so important that she had to show up today of all days. Hyein clearly disagreed, however, because she certainly wouldn't let her sister out of the door and was putting herself in danger of falling ill. "No matter how much they need you, you're no help to anyone in this state," it may have sounded a little harsher than it was meant to, but the younger girl obviously just wanted her to take some time to recover. Without further ado, the house phone was in her hand and the work number was dialed. Danielle was powerless, she couldn't fight it, how could she? She wasn't exactly strong anyway and now that her arms were like rubber, it didn't help her any more. And between you and me, there wasn't really anything important for her to do at work at the moment, apart from the now daily love drama surrounding her.

The phone rang for quite a while and just before Hyein was about to give up, a voice on the other end rang out: "You're talking to the CEO Kim Minji, how can I help you?" Somewhat confused, a few small sounds stumbled out of the little sister's mouth; she hadn't expected her of all people to answer. "Oh, ehh, sorry. I just wanted to let you know that Danielle can't come to work today, she's ill," she tried to convey with more control in her voice and only got a very stoic response. When she hung up, she looked back down at Danielle, who was also looking up in her direction: "So?" Hyein sat down on the edge of the bed and wiped her gaze away from her again: "Well, she just said oh, ok in a calm tone and hung up." That was really all? To be honest, Danielle would have expected more than that calm reaction. But she probably just had too much on her mind or she wasn't alone in the office? ...why was she worrying so much just because her reaction seemed too weak? "Then everything's fine? ...you should get out of the room too, not that you'll catch it." Besides, Hyein had to go herself, she certainly couldn't keep the other girl any longer.

The moment Hyein had said goodbye and stepped out of the apartment, she immediately fell into Haerin's arms. She was about to ring the bell, but her quick reflexes and the frantic Hyein were able to adapt, which is why nothing worse happened. "Oh, hey Kitty~" a smile graced Hyein's lips and she found herself back on her own two feet, raising an arm and pointing her thumbs at her apartment door. "I'm afraid the lady of the house has fallen ill, best to let her rest. I'll bring her some medicine later and-" she stopped her sentence and watched as Haerin turned on her heel and disappeared into her own apartment without saying another word. A questioning look spread across her face and with a shrug of her shoulders, the younger sister simply went on her way again. A few stairs later and outside the building, she bumped into another familiar face: Hanni. "Oh hi!", the two waved to each other in a friendly manner and she told her the same thing that she had told Haerin in the corridor earlier. Hanni also reacted unusually calmly to the news, which also made Hyein wonder. Weren't they all crazy about her? It seemed really strange to her that they were so unnaturally calm... especially Hanni, who usually almost exploded over every little thing.

Somehow it all seemed a bit strange to her. It wasn't anything earth-shattering that Danielle was ill, it happens to everyone. The only thing was that none of the three of them were worried? They seemed so indifferent in their reaction to the news, as if they didn't care. Minji just hung up, Haerin literally left her standing in the hallway and Hanni was so quiet she could have heard crickets chirping. Hyein could literally smell the stench! There was definitely something fishy going on. She would have loved to get to the bottom of the case, but unfortunately she also had her obligations. Work was calling, a small job at the pharmacy and she was already running a little late anyway, so she'd better get on with it. To add to her misery, she had to miss the bus, of course. She stamped her foot on the ground and just looked after the bus as it drove away, but a honking horn snapped her out of her thoughts before she could launch into a tirade about public transport being overly punctual. Her gaze drifted to the source of the noise and of course she recognized the car immediately, it was Haerin's. She was just sitting at the wheel and had the passenger window down: "Get in, I'll drive you there."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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