04 | Going Out

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To be honest, it felt strange to be off in the middle of the week and not have to go to work. Not that Danielle would complain, at least she could sleep in longer. It's just that she rarely took time off and even less often because someone invited her on a date.

The light shining through her blinds right into her face finally woke her up and she sat down on the edge of her bed. Danielle stretched and slipped her feet into a pair of cozy dog slippers and dragged herself out of the room to go to the bathroom.

"...cute," a familiar voice rang out and was immediately followed by the laughter of Hyein, who was on the couch. Sitting right next to her was Haerin, who made the comment as her eyes turned to Danielle and a small hint of a smile appeared on her lips.

Danielle blinked a few times and only realized a few seconds later that they actually already had a visitor and then it was Haerin. "Wha-?", her gaze turned in the direction of the couch, she immediately ran into the door frame to the bathroom, which only made Hyein laugh even harder.

Haerin's small smile almost widened at the sight: "Take it easy, sunflower, we're in no hurry." Danielle held her nose, perhaps the impact did hurt a little, but she was simply too confused by the suddenness to fully realize it. Without further ado, she went into the bathroom.

It was only when she was in front of the mirror and after she had washed her face that she realized what super embarrassing pyjamas she was actually wearing and that someone other than her sister had just seen them. Why was she even here! Well, they hadn't set a time for the date to start, but Hyein could have at least woken her up!

Hyein and Haerin could only see the scowl on Danielle's face as she stormed out of the bathroom and into her room. Afterwards, the two girls' eyes met on the couch and Hyein stopped laughing: "I'll probably have to emigrate, otherwise I'll be dead as soon as she's alone with me." Funnily enough, she started laughing again immediately afterwards and even elicited a little giggle from the otherwise calm Haerin.

| Some time later.. |

When Danielle sat in her car with Haerin and looked out of the window, she could hardly believe her eyes. "Ehm..." the secretary turned her attention to the driver and had a clearly confused look on her face, "Why are we stopping in front of my work?" Haerin pulled out her seatbelt and opened the driver's door as her gaze fell briefly to Danielle, "...I just need to do something, I'll be right back"

What exactly did she want to do here? Does Haerin work here too? The statement only confused Danielle even more, but she just sat quietly and waited. She knew so little about the things Haerin did in private, but if she worked here, there was no need to keep it a secret, was there?

The whole thing got even crazier when she suddenly noticed even her best friend coming out of the building. What was Hanni doing here? Surely she should be at her job? ...maybe she was on her lunch break and wanted to pop in? No, she had a way too happy look on her face for that. She certainly wouldn't have that after being told that Danielle wasn't there.

She couldn't think any more about it, because Haerin came back not much longer and sat next to her in the driver's seat. "Done," said the 25-year-old and started the engine, apparently not wanting to waste any more time. "With what?" A curious sparkle shone in Danielle's eyes, but she didn't really get an answer, which is why she gave up after the third or fourth repetition and dropped deeper into her seat.

| More time has passed |

It took a really long time for the car to come to a stop again. Danielle was really confused about the whole thing at first and wondered what Haerin actually wanted to show her until they stopped near a huge beach. With all the lights you could see from the parking lot, it seemed like a festival was being held.

Danielle didn't know what it was, but at least she wasn't in quite as bad a mood as before. "You wanted to show me that?" They both got out of the car and Danielle looked across the car at Haerin, who nodded briefly. "Well, to a certain extent, but it's not the main reason," she replied in a calm voice and moved around the car to Danielle.

So their little date began and they walked side by side while Danielle observed the many different stalls and people here. Even though it was quite late, there was still a lot going on here. The two of them didn't necessarily exchange many words, however, until they stopped at a shooting range. "OMG, look at that dog, it's soooooo cute!" Danielle pointed excitedly to a plush dog hanging from the roof of the stall. 

"Oh really?" Haerin pursed her lips and a faint smile formed on them. Shortly afterwards, she leaned against the counter of the stall and nodded over to the stall seller: "...what do I have to do for the dog?" Haerin was told that she apparently had to hit all the moving targets, which was probably the most difficult task here. A few other customers were already having trouble hitting the stationary targets, which Haerin saw in the corner of her eye.

For a brief moment, Danielle was quite flabbergasted that Haerin wanted to try and win the fluffy dog. Nevertheless, she was also of the opinion that Haerin didn't have to spend money on it and that it would be okay, but she couldn't stop her when Haerin already had her wallet in her hand and handed over the money.

When Haerin then began to scrutinize the air rifle, Danielle stood calmly by and just watched her. But when she started shooting... Haerin was damn good at it. As if it were child's play for her, she knocked down one target after another and even the stall vendor was completely flabbergasted. 

Haerin laid the air rifle down on the counter and grinned smugly as her gaze fell on the plush dog and she pointed to it with a nod of her head: "...I won that one then, right?" Still looking as if she had stepped away, the stall vendor only realized a few seconds later that it was already over and reached for the plush dog to set it down on the counter as well.

Haerin indicated to Danielle that she could take her prize and she didn't hesitate for long to hug the cuddly dog to her chest. "So fluffy!", visibly delighted, she turned away from the booth again. Haerin herself leaned over against the counter again: "...I don't blame you for having your air rifles pulled out too far to the right. You must be able to profit from it, after all." She put her index finger to her lips, playfully indicating that she wouldn't tell anyone anything, as she turned away and joined Danielle.

A few steps further on, Danielle turned to Haerin again, a smile on her face: "Thank you, really." She just wanted to say thank you, you couldn't go wrong with her, especially with dogs. Haerin herself just raised her hands slightly, indicating it was really no big deal: "...as long as it makes you happy, I'm happy." And with that, a red glow secretly spread across Danielle's cheeks.

The last thing, and therefore the real reason why they were here, began when they were both sitting together on the beach and looking up at the starry sky. A loud hissing sound followed by an even louder bang: fireworks! A broad spectacle of fireworks stretched out across the entire beach and hundreds of people sat around with their families, friends or even loved ones and admired the grand display.

Danielle's eyes were totally transfixed on the fireworks, even the fluffy dog on her lap looked like he was watching them. "How beautiful," came out of Danielle and she smiled in the direction of the starry sky. "...yeah," Haerin answered her and it seemed like she agreed with her, but all the time she only had her eyes for the woman next to her.


Author: well, well, well .. what will happen next time, huh?

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