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The sun was accompanied by the clouds in the blue sky. Some birds gave them company too. It was a beautiful scene.

"a lighthouse??" a girl who wore a white dress said.

She stood there lonely, playing in the green grass and enjoying the summer heat as she ran towards the light house

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She stood there lonely, playing in the green grass and enjoying the summer heat as she ran towards the light house.

(woke up)

Juliana opened her eyes and found herself on her bed. She moved her hand on the side table for her glasses, almost forgetting about this peaceful dream.

She stared at the seiling for five minutes.

Suddenly someone opened the door.

"Julie..get ready for the school or you'll be late" a lady peeping inside her room said.

It was her mom, named Rose.

"Mom, I don't want to attend the schools anymore" She replied coldly.

"It's yours decision if you want to be like aunt Jessica or end up like me"
her mom said and left her alone.

Thirty minutes later in the kitchen.

"I still remember her face which had no guilt" Rose said.

"Yes, how can someone kill their own child" Jessica replied.

Juliana entered and sat on the dinning table.

"where is James?" Juliana asked.

"Honey, James and Kylie have just left for the school" Jessica told.

"Thank God, Kylie left" Juliana said under her breath.

"Rose..I still wish to know what punishment did she get?" Jessica asked continuing her conversation with Rose who was doing dishes.

"Her reports said that she was mentally unwell because of her husband's death, so she was sent to a mental hospital and is still there" Rose told.

"Wasn't her daughted adopted?" Jessica asked.

"Yes but she was still a child" Rose replied.

Juliana who was listening to all of this conversation remained quiet. She knew what her mom and aunt were talking about.
She finished her breakfast and left for the school.

The weather felt way too rainy. The sky had only clouds and no sun. Juliana never forgets to bring umbrella as this season irritates her the most.

 Juliana never forgets to bring umbrella as this season irritates her the most

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She is a summer loving girl.

She loves the blue sky and the sun.

She remembered the conversation of her mom and her aunt.

When Juliana was five, she lived near the beach in an area called Bright Beacon, named after a lighthouse that has been there for more than seventy years and is still standing with all grace.There was a lady in there neighborhood, named Sarah. She remebered that Sarah was so kind and used to invite her to play with her daughter.

Once Juliana visited Sarah and tried to be friends with her daughter. But that girl was quiet all the time. She won't speak a single word and almost made Juliana believe that she was a mute. This made her feel sympathetic for the girl. She asked that girl her name but she didn't replied.

Then her mother from behind told,

"Her name is Georgia!"

She asked Georgia what she would like to play, but she didn't replied.

Juliana asked Sarah,

"Why Georgia is so quiet?"

To which Sarah told,

"I too am unaware"

Georgia was busy, making her drawings, a man hanging to the lighthouse, was something she invested her colours in.

when Juliana asked her what she was doing.

She told her aggressively,

"Making a spell to destroy you!"

It didn't scare Juliana.

She noticed some scars on Georgia's body. She asked her about those scars and then Georgia asked her to leave.

when Juliana left. She saw Georgia watching her through the glass window and stared deep into her soul.

One day, while she was playing in the backyard, she heard some noices from Georgia's house

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One day, while she was playing in the backyard, she heard some noices from Georgia's house.

Those were screams of Georgia, while she was in pain.

Juliana stood near the window and heard Sarah was brutally beating her own daughter. She was scared she hid herself and suddenly Georgia stopped crying.

Juliana ran as fast as she could. Maybe Sarah saw her. It was only a doubt in her head as she was hiding near the window and Sarah opened the window for once too but luckily she didn't see Juliana.

The next day, the news of a mother killing her own child was spread everywhere in the neighborhood.

The police investigated this case but Sarah didn't get any punishment for she was mentally ill.

Juliana thought she was kind, but was she?

She killed a child, whome once she promised to give a home, or is there something still unknown about that incident.

Author's note
The pictures used aren't mine,
I have added them just to help readers
to imagine. ♡

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