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Alen was all alone in the class as James wasn't present, but he noticed Kylie who was staring at him. He tried to focus on class ignoring all her presence.

All that cared for was Juliana and James. He had a gift for juliana.

Suddenly the bell rang and it was sports period.

He wore his sports uniform so that he can play basket ball. He used to play it with James but today he was absent, making him feel a bit lonely.

He still continued playing and stopped when he felt way too sweaty. He sat on the bench near the basketball court.

suddenly he saw someone's hands approaching towards him. That person was handeling him the water bottle. He took that bottle and said,


He then looked up. It was Kylie, she then  sat beside him, trying to be close.

Alen mantained a distance with her.

"Can I get your number?" Kylie asked.

"I'm sorry I can't give you that" Alen replied while looking away.

This was enough for Kylie to feel insulted as in her whole life nobody have ever rejected her.

" that because of Juliana?"

"I would never like to have contacts with you" Alen said and stood up.

"You will hardly find your girlfriend anywhere in the school" Kylie said with a smirk.

Alen looked at her with confused looks.

"What have you done this time?" Alen asked her.

"No...I am innocent...I have not done anything...." She said.

"Her mother passed away" she said while blowing at her nails.

"And you are happy?" he felt disgusting about Kylie.

"I'm neither happy nor sad, she was just a burden on my mom" Kylie said.

"You are disgusting" Alen said and tried to leave but Kylie held his arm tightly.

"I am preetier than her" Kylie said.

He pushed her off and said

"Juliana is ten times more prettier,ten times more intelligent and ten times more kind as compared to you, so stay away from us"

He left her alone in the basketball court.

In the lunch time, he was alone, his mind was lost in the thoughts of Juliana.

He was thinking, what would've happened to her after her mother's death.

After school, he messaged her, but she wasnot online. So he messaged James but he too was offline.

So he decided to wait for the next day. He knows it might be a hard time for Juliana since she lost both of her parents.

On the other hand Juliana is having a mental breakdown. Her face and eyes are red with tears. Her heart beat is so high and she is having panick attacks.

She cried so hard that even her ribs are hurting now. Jessica somehow tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry, I will raise you, you are my daughter too, just be strong" Jessica said.

While Juliana is not in a mood to talk, hearing her aunt say such things make her cry more. All she can see was Georgia's figure in the corner of the room, smiling at her.

"Why...? Why Georgia...? why!" she says.

Aunt Jessica just can't figure out what she meant.

It's been two days but Alen coulnot contact Juliana. He tried to call James many times but his phone was switched off. After an hour or two he again messages James. Who asked him to make a phone call.

"Hey, what's happening there?"

"My aunt died and Julie..."

"What happened to her?"

"She has locked herself in her room"

The call was disconnected.

Alen was now proceeding towards James house. When he finally was there, he messaged James to which he answered that he is coming to open the door. James opened it and Alen hugged him after a long time.

"Where is Julie?" Alen asked.

"She is in her room" James replied.

James's tone sounds so low and sad.

Alen goes to meet her.

He knocks at her door but she didn't answer.

"'s the door" Alen says.

Hearing the voice of Alen, she quickly opened the door. She hugged him tightly and cried.

"Alen...she killed my mom" she said.

He took her face in his hands wiped her tears, he was shocked to see her red face, her swollen eyes, her weak body.

He huged her back.

Kylie watched all of this from a distance.

"Don't are strong, aren't you?" Alen said while wiping her tears with his hands.

"I'm not, I'm weak as hell that I couldn't protect my mother" she said.

"From whome? Georgia? Is it all done by her?"

"She is smiling since then" She had terror in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid of her, look I got something for you" he said and then pulled put a necklace, similar to the one she had earlier.

It was not a normal one but a blue stone. This stone is worn to ptotect people from evil spirits.

"It will protect you" Alen said.

"My mother had given me the same pendant when I was a child, she told me that it was for my protection, a week ago I lost that and mom said that she'll get another one for me, but before she could do anything all these things happened" She said with more tears streaming out of her eyes.

"Maybe it killed her because it knew that your mother would get you the necklace back, listen Julie, hide it under your clothing, if someone forces you to take it off, just run and come to me, this thing will try it's best to make you take it off" Alen said.

"Okay!" Juliana says while hiding it.

"Julie, I have talked to a paranormal researcher named Darci, she is actually a very young person but is an experienced lady" Alen told.

"How will she help us?" Juliana asked.

"She can help us get rid of this thing" Alen told.

"I hope...because this things will kill eveybody"

"It won't kill any of us both, we are wearing the blue stone it fears" Alen confirms it to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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