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"Juliana!...Juliana!..where are you lost?? be attentive in the class" the teacher said

"yes teacher"

Her eyes are still moving here and there in search of someone, but she couldn't find them.

Her eyes are still moving here and there in search of someone, but she couldn't find them

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            THE CASKET SCENE

"So students, in this scene Shakespeare writes, that outward appearances are often deceiving, all of you might have heard of the saying that all that glitter is not gold. He writes about silver that it is a commercial metal used by mass of men for transaction. Then there is lead, he writes that the prescription on the lead casket is a warning and he is ready to hazard all for the sake of love....remember this is one of the most important can be asked in exams..."

Juliana kept on staring on Shakespeare's picture in the book.


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Suddenly the bell rang.

All the students went out of their classes as it was lunch time. Juliana was eager to meet James, he is her cousin and the only friend to her. She found him and sat beside him. He was a year older than Juliana.

"Where is Kylie?" Juliana asked him.

"Maybe hanging out with her new boyfriend Josh. If mom gets to know that she bunked the school and hanged out with someone she just met, she'll be damn angry", James told.

"Aunt Jessica is so friendly, she wouldn't be astonished to know about this",Juliana said.

"hmmm...wait..did I forgot to introduce this boy sitting next to me...he is bestfriend and..." James said with a bad expression.

"and what...?...your boyfriend..!" Juliana asked caracking a joke on him.

"Shut up! I mean he is Josh's brother"

"Josh never told me, he had a brother!"Juliana said with a confused expression on her face and a lowered tone as soon james mentioned Josh.

"Actually I am his step brother and we don't live in the same house" Alen said intrupting both of them.

His voice was deep and low pitched. It had a manly expression on Juliana.

"Whatever but I am betrayed by your brother" Juliana said with a sad and low tone.

"hmm..? I didn't understand..? It is like watching a movie from the mid" Alen told expressing his confusion.

"I'll explain you later!" James told him.

"So there is something about my brother and I am unware of that...he hates me so much" Alen told, his eyes spoke all of his pain.

"oh God!"

"Hey Juliana, can we exchange numbers" Alen asked her trying to sound normal.

The expression on Jame's face was mesmerizing.

"I don't remember my phone number" Juliana said to avoid the situation.

"You don't bring phone to the school?" He asked.

"I forgot to bring it today, I'm sorry.."

"It's okay" he said.

"I'll send you her number, don't cry over it here" James laughed at his own joke.

Alen was blushing and trying hard not to be noticed by Julliana but it was impossible to hide it from her.

While returning back to home, to her surprise she met Josh on the way , who was busy seeing off his new girlfriend to her house safely.

She ignored Josh and over took him. When he noticed her, he stoped her trying to explain himself with useless explanation which he never meant.

"hey..Julie..I know what you are thinking...but it isn't like that....I always liked Kylie, I liked her since I saw her" Josh said.

She didn't reply and tried to leave.
But Josh didn't let her go. He held her hand tightly and pinned her to the wall.

"Reply me!" Josh yelled.

This was enough to make her angry.

"You know Josh what... I understand you like my sister, I don't hate you for that,you can't stop your heart from loving the person you want hurts to think that you were always my friend just because my sister was your crush!" Juliana said with tearful eyes.

(a pause)

"You are hanging out with her almost forgetting about me, and you did your best to ruin me" Juliana said.

"It's not like that, you are misunderstanding" Josh said.

"Let me tell you one thing, my cousin Kylie, isn't intrested in you, she is only with you because she hates me and is doing all of this to ruin me badly..." Juliana said.

"...and you are in a relationship now, if your girlfriend saw you holding me, she will think that you might be cheating on her. You have no rights to touch me, stop me and even ask me something when it should be ask you!" she yells at him.

Josh loosen his grip to her shoulders and moved away.

"I am sorry if I am hurting you" Josh said and left.

She was filled with tears and ran straight to her room, leaving the main door wide opened.

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