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"Georgia..?" Juliana said

"Alen...! look..there is something"

But Alen didn't hear what she said. He didn't stop kissing her while Juliana can see a girl in white dress staring at them. She looked like Georgia and was smiling creepily.

"Alen stop..look there's someone" Juliana cried.

That girl walked closer to them. She had a scary smile on her face which would expand as she was taking her steps towards them.

Suddenly she too close to Juliana.

Juliana was in tears and crying for help.

               (woke up)

She found herself in Alen's lap. Who gave her water to drink.

"You are not okay have even fainted!"
Alen said with a concern.

He wiped her tears and asked her what happened to her.

She hugged him.

"There is someone staring at us. She will kill me..." Juliana said with tears flowing through her eyes.

"No one can touch you untill I am here..I must take you home, your temperature is rising"

"No..not home...just stay with me...dont leave.." Juliana said.

"I am by your side" He said.

He took her in his arms.

He drove his bike towards her house as fast as he could.

Once they arrived, Alen didn't move. Juliana was just hugging him tightly.

"We are at your house now" Alen said.

Alen noticed that Juliana was crying too much. Her tears made his T-shirt wet.

"Are you okay?" Alen asked her.

"I'm not" she said

"I don't wanna go home, I can't face her"

"who?" Alen asked her.

"Take me somewhere else but not my home"
She said in tears.

Alen drove his bike to his house.

His house was aesthetic.

Alen made her sit on the sofa. He brought a thermometer to check her temperature.
It was 100°f.

He gave her some medicine and she felt better.

"Should I call James to pick you from here?" Alen asked her.

"I'll go by myself"

The weather started to change, it felt like rain would pour at any moment.

"I hate rain!" Juliana said.

"But I love it, since childhood I loved rain, it reminds me of someone" Alen said.

"I love sun more...rain irritates me, I feel like I'm Margot from All summer in a day" Juliana said.

"You read a lot...I think sun like a flower,that bloomes for an hour" Alen said.

"You know that one?" Juliana asked him.

"I have completed my eleventh grade, this story was in literature" Alen said.

     A moment of silence for them.

"What do you think about us?" Alen asked.

"I am not sure" Juliana said.

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