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Both of them were sitting on the stairs of the lighthouse. Then five years old Juliana asked her.

"Why are you hurting me?" Juliana asked.

"I don't want to hurt you" She said in a tender and soft voice.

"Then..?" Juliana asked.

"I...want to take you!" She told her and clutched her neck tightly.

              (woke up)

Her mother was sitting beside her on the bed. When she saw her daughter opening her eyes, she gave her water.

"What happened to me?" Juliana asked.

" were unconscious, lying on the floor, you have so much fever since last night" Rose said.

"Mom....I feel alright now" Juliana said.

"But last night your temperature was 103°f" Rose said.

"I was beside you whole night and all of the sudden, how can such temperature get back to normal?" Rose asked her.

She touched Juliana's forehead and she was astonished to feel it. She had no fever now.

"I am okay mom!" Juliana said.

"But you won't go to school today, it's already too late" Rose said.

Rose left and asked her to come down for breakfast. Once Rose left the room, it became hard for Juliana to survive there.

She could see that scary image of Georgia everywhere. She would walk so normally in her room like she is a human.

She was at every that place where Juliana would turn her pupils to.

In the wardrobe.

Near the door.

Near the window and everywhere.
But this Georgia was still so different in appearance.

However, Juliana managed to ignore her. She took shower, got ready and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Where's aunty?" She asked.

"She is busy nowadays" Rose told.

"But where is she?" Juliana asked.

"At work!" Rose said.

Rose sat at the dining table just in front of Juliana.

She looked at her daughter.

"Julie...where is your pendant, which I gave you?" Rose asked her.

"I can't find it anywhere mom.." Juliana said.

"I will have to get you another one now, you must take care of your things, do you know how important that was?" Rose told her.


"What to do now?" Juliana asked carelessly.

"I will have to get you another one, your father told me that you must wear it for good health and future" Rose said.

"Why do you still care about someone's words who isn't here anymore" Juliana asked.

She was irritated by this , her mother still cares what her father told her somewhat ten years ago.

"You will never understand and when the time will come it will be too late....where did you lost that?" Rose asked.

"I guess just four or five days ago, but I can't remember where" Juliana said.

"That pendant was nothing but a blue shining stone, why do you care about that so much?" Juliana asked.

Her mother with wide eyes looking at her daughter for the way she just spoke.

On the other side,
Alen was asking James about Juliana.

"Is she okay?" Alen asked.

"Wow! Just the second day of being in relationship" James teased Alen.

"She had fever yesterday!" Alen explained.

"Ya..she was unconscious yesterday, she had a lot of fever like 104°f, thats not normal" James said.

"I think, something is there, she is having nightmares and suddenly all of this" Alen told.

"Yaa... so some ghost type of thing is behind her, you mean that right?" James said while teasing him.

"No but something is happening to her, you are her brother, you must take care of her" Alen said.

"You like taking care of her?" James asked.

"Yes..don't you like it" Alen asked.

"I like it, but if you like it too you can be her brother" James said while bursting into laughter.

"Shut up! she is my girlfriend" Alen was irritated by James.

"You are so possessive, I won't joke anymore" James said while laughing.

"You are still doing that" Alen said.

"She told me you made the first move...such a pervert!" James said and laughed.

"I did because she reciprocated my feelings" Alen said.

"What feelings?...that come and give me a kiss?" James said and laughed again.

"James...why are you saying that...your sister is not well, aren't you tensed about her" Alen asked.

"I am...but I don't know what has happened to her, will you tell me where did you took her to?"

James said with a sudden change in his tone.

"I took her to the beach side, you know Bright Beacon ?" Alen asked him.

"I've heard about it, it's a light house"
James said.

"The name of that area is also Bright Beacon, people still live there and it's a peaceful place to visit" Alen said.

"You know Julie used to live there with her parents earlier, but then her father died, since then she is living with us" James said.

"What happened to her father?" Alen asked.

"You really wanna know?...don't tell Julie about this" James said.

"But..does she knows it?" Alen asked.

"No...her mother didn't tell her this" James said.

"Okay..." Alen said giving away a sigh.

"He committed suicide in that lighthouse, he was found hanged there, and after that Julie and aunt Rose shifted to live with us." James said with a mysterious tone.

"Something is wrong for sure" Alen suspected.

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