6. ~ Life Of Pandavas - 2 ~

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While hugging my sons, I felt terrible that I could not give the same love to my first born, KARN. I still remember his hazel - brown eyes shining in the sunlight. His small feet kicking up in the air. His hands throwing themselves in the direction of the sun, as if he knows where and to whom he truly belongs.

I finally decided to tell Arya and Madri about my Karn.


Kunti sat outside the hut, on a boulder, thinking about her decision over and over again. But finally she finds courage in herself and determinedly, walks towards where Pandu was making makeshift weapons.

Seeing her, Pandu asks worriedly "What happened Kunti? You have come here so suddenly? And why are u looking so pale and drained out?"

"I have to tell you something Arya but before that, promise me that u will not ask me any questions or interrupt me, until I'm finished saying." said Kunti hesitantly.

Seeing her hesitant state, Pandu immediately agreed "Ofcourse Priye. But what is it, that is making u so anxious and hesitant from telling me something."

Kunti started by saying "Arya, before our marriage, I had served with utter devotion and dedication to Rishi Durvasa. And being pleased with my services, he gave me a boon, which was a mantra which when chanted by taking a particular God's or Godess's name then, you will beget a child with similar qualities from his Godly parent."

Listening to this he got excited and cut her halfway "What!! That is such a great news, Kunti. But why were u so hesitant in telling me??"

Kunti said "Arya, I will answer all ur questions but just listen to me once."

"After the departure of Rishi Durvasa, I in my foolishness, decided to test if the mantra would really work or not. So I chanted the mantras by calling upon Suryadev, suspicious to see if the boon works or not. After a few moments, a bright and alluring figure appeared in front of me and he was none other than Suryadev. But after I had called him, only then had I realized what have I done. I immediately apologised to him about by disregard to the mantra and asked if there was any other way. But, Suryadev said to just go to a forest for the next 9 months and give birth to my son in the forests."

"Finally after 9 months, my son was born, who was named as KARN by Suryadev. I would not have been able to take proper care of him, as people would have questioned my character, questioned my father's rule, questioned my son's character all because of me. So, not seeing any option, I prayed to Suryadev, who appeared in front me and requested him to take Karn and place him in a house where, he would be loved, taken great care of . He was born with a special kavach and kundals made up of amrit, which could not be destroyed, even by Mahadev's Trishul."

"I'm sorry Arya. I'm really very sorry, that I hid such a big part about my past but my guilt was gnawing at me to do something. And I decided to finally come out with the truth." said heartbroken and crying.

Before Pandu could console her, a slim hand rested on her shoulder. Looking up Kunti saw that it was Madri and was shocked to see no malice or disgust in her eyes but understanding, about what made her take this step in the past. Madri smiled gently and hugged her tightly " It's okay Jiji. Atleast, u had the courage to owe up to ur deeds and tell the truth. Whatever has happened, has happened. But now, our main goal should be finding our son. Right, Arya?" Madri softly said.

"Absolutely right, Priye. I know that what u have done cannot be changed but we can try to find our son and give him his rights, Priye." Pandu said with a gentle and understanding smile on his face.

"But how are we going to find him. And when we find him, how are we going to justify his age? Won't the soceity ask questions? Won't our family ask questions? How will we answer them, Arya??" Kunti panicked.

"Don't worry Priye, I will handle it by saying that, we had a son as soon as we started vanvas 5 years ago. Yes some might raise questions on his age, but with time, people will forget about it. I will immediately write a letter to Tatshree, saying about his real age and to keep it under covers until they don't find him. We will definitely find him, Priye. Don't worry." Saying this, Pandu went to write a letter in a secret code to his Tatshree, while Madri sat with Kunti, consoling her and letting her cry on her shoulder. But from all this, a flame of hope started burning in Kunti to see her son again.

Flashback ends.

From that day onwards, Arya relentlessly kept on searching for him in each and every part of the entire Aryavart, but still there was success till today. Maybe I'm not ever destined to meet my Karn because of my foolishness. But atleast he will have a great family.


Outside the hut, Pandu was with his sons and was tightening the string of a bow, when Arjun asks "How far can this arrow be shot, Pitashree?" His question caught the attention of all his brothers and their father.

"It can be shot all the way out of this forest!!" said Nakul

Hearing him, Bheem said "I can throw it that far just with my hands. What is the need of a bow for that?" Pandu and the others laugh upon his answer.

"It's not about throwing it, Bhrata Bheem. It's a matter of piercing the target." replied Arjun.

"At how far can a target be shot, Pitashree?" asked Arjun. 

Being impressed with his question, Pandu smiles and answers "The strength of a bow depends upon a man. It is not the other way around, putra. A weapon is only as handy as the wielder's inner strength, just as a skill is only as beneficial as one's will power."

"But, I do not understand, Pitashree. What is will power?" asks Yudhisthir.

Pandu answers "When the wind blows at a high speed, it can uproot trees and the tree that gets uprooted, becomes firewood. But the tree that stands firm, blooms new leaves and flowers after a certain time and that is termed as the will power of that tree. Even when the odds are against him, a human should not abandon his/her duties, putra."

"And What is inner strength?"  asks Yudhisthir.

Pandu smiles and says " When pests and termites from beneath the ground, start biting and devouring a tree, some trees die. But there are some trees that the pests cannot devour. That is the tree's inner strength. When evil afflicts the human heart and tries to consume it from within then, he should not give in to the affliction within."

" That means will power protects against unfavourable circumstances outside. And inner strength protects us from the inner conflicts"  Yudhisthir says after understanding his father's words.

Listening to his statement, Pandu proudly says " Brilliant, putra. I'm pround of u."   Going near Yudhisthir, he places his hand on his shoulder and says "Some day u shall be the most deserving king of Hastinapur." and saying this, he hugs him and the others too join their hug.

While from the hut, Kunti and Madri see this and pray to God to always keep their family safe, not knowing that something would happen which would shake them to their core.

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