Danger [Ch 2]

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"Nari~ You gotta wake up~" Cyno placed soft kisses onto my neck but I just grunted. "It's still dark outside…", I breathed out and turned around.

Cyno chuckled. "That's why you gotta wake up, the kids will be there at sunrise~" I shot up, still sleepy, and flattened the fur on my ears. "Oh, I almost forgot!" I began sprinting from left to right, much to Cynos amusement. "Relax, you still have plenty of time. Sit down and let me comb your tail."

I looked down at my tail and was startled at what tangled mess I was dragging around. I sat down in front of Cyno on the bed and placed the bird nest on his lap. He got the little spray bottle from the nightstand and applied it onto my fur. It was a 3-in-1 spray I mixed together from some plants here and there. It helped against matting, is water repellent and keeps the fur from tangling. It only lasts for about 18 hours so I gotta use it every day. Besides, if Cyno is in the mood of clinging on my tail all night not even this spray can keep it from looking like a mess.

I hummed in comfort as he gently placed his hand on the underside of my tail and dragged the brush through the fur on top. He wasn't rough, like I remember my parents being, but rather careful and considerate. He let me know when he reached a knot in my fur so I would be prepared for it.

He finished his brushing session with a small peck on my shoulder blade. "We should get dressed now." We both changed into our usual clothes and took the meals I arranged in the evening. I packed my bag and placed the letter into my notepad. "Gotta inform Amir first. He should be awake now…" We went to his hut and saw him getting the dogs ready for duty. "Amir, I have to leave you in charge again. The Akademiya ordered me to Pardis Dhyai. Same procedure as yesterday, okay? Drop the reports in front of my hut." He just nodded and gave me a smile. "Sure thing, Tighnari Sir. Can't decline an order from the Akademiya. Safe travels, you two"

The road from Gandharva was usually empty at this hour so we both gambled with our luck and walked a part of the way with our fingers linked. It was still dark outside so no one would see it. As we reached the crossing, our paths went different ways. Cyno would have to take the right turn while I would have to walk straight ahead to arrive at Pardis Dhyai.

Our hands let loose and Cyno kissed me on the lips. "Have an awesome day, Nari~" I kissed him too. "Same for you, General~ I'll wait for you." We hugged each other one final time and waved at one another while walking to our destinations.

I now realized that the air smelled like rain and the floor was muddy with few puddles sprinkled on it. The leaves were dripping and fungi were gathering around some trees. They were far away but I could hear them still.

I arrived at Pardis Dhyai and went straight to the big greenhouse. The mechanical dice unfolded and let out some happy sounds as I entered the building. "Good morning, Karkata. We get some visitors today. I expect you to be a good example!" It nooded excitedly and started watering the plants inside the greenhouse. It was a great help but I was kinda scared how the students would react to it.

The place was empty. Normally the Herbad and some students would linger around on these grounds but today it would be just me, Karkata, a handful of kids and a teacher. I stood at the entrance waiting for them with the letter, my bag was with Karkata at the greenhouse, as the sun slowly peaked through the treetops.

I heard some loud gasps as I watched the group get closer. They clearly have never seen a Valuka Shuna and it shows. I walked up to the teacher and showed her the paper. She nodded and introduced herself. "I'm Najah and these are all students taking Amurta classes. Although, one will join us later. He's in a meeting right now."

Yeah, small classes, Cyno… Maybe thirty students stood in front of me. They all had different Darshans assigned but all took some Amurta classes so knowing about this place would come in handy. "So, students. My name is Tighnari and I will guide you through this place. But first, let me teach you the rules of this place. Plants are breathing living organisms too, so treat them with respect. The Akademiya made them available for you to experiment on them or study them here. But only ever take small portions of them so they can regenerate themselfs. Please keep this place usable for others and be careful with the planting pots. Pardis Dhyai is always open but you will need an entry permit written by a teacher to access it at night. All regulations by the Akademiya regarding research are also present here, but that's self-explanatory. Now, let me show you the insides."

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