Discovery [Ch 6]

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The heavy door opened and I walked over to our regular table. A blonde figure was already sitting on one of the chairs, head on the table with a glass of wine in his hand.

I placed my deck onto the table and took a seat. "What did he do this time?", I asked him while crossing my arms and looking at him. Kaveh mumbled something but I couldn't understand him so I moved a bit closer. "What was that?", I asked and he slowly moved his head up. "Nothing... I'm the problem..." Oh, here we go again...

Kaveh was an optimistic person most of the time. He had great confidence and would not admit his mistakes most of the time but when he had one too many drinks his mood would take a 360 almost everytime. "I wanted to prepare lunch but the chilli powder flew into the pot and we had no more ingredients to start a new... It's like the universe hates me..." I rolled my eyes and took a sip from my drink. "Nonsense, just because you messed up one time doesn't mean that it'll be like that everytime. It's okay to make mistakes, they're part of the process!", I said to him but his head met the table again. "I'm just a complete failure. All of this is my fault..." I noticed some sheets of paper in front of him with sloppily drawn scenarios. One of them showed a person dead in the desert. I decided to let the topic slide and pretend I didn't see them.

The door opened again and Alhaitham entered the tavern. He walked over to our table flashing a disappointed look towards the architect before he turned to me. "Cyno's not coming?" His look signaled slight irritation since this is our first time apart since marriage. He wouldn't show it but I knew that he was worried. "He has some trouble at the Akademiya to take care of..." Alhaitham leaned over the table. "Oh? What kind of trouble?" He didn't knew about it? I would assume the Akademiyas scribe would be the first person informed... "I think this is not the best location to talk about matters like this-" We were in public right now, anyone would hear us. "-Let's play a few matches and then head out..."

We played a few games of Genius Invocation TCG and we had a bit of trouble to get Kaveh engaged. "Kaveh, it's your turn. If you don't hurry up I'll be late to work...", Alhaitham said sarcastic and looked at Kaveh with much annoyance. After 5 matches he passed out and Alhaitham decided to call it a night. I said my goodbye to the boss as Alhaitham took Kaveh over his shoulder and we left the building.

"So, what's the trouble you were talking about? Will it affect me in any case?", he said after wiping away Kavehs droll that landed on his shirt. "I don't think so but you should be careful. I don't know what the plan is but Cyno's been followed around since a week into the semester. That's why he won't come home or meet anyone outside the Akademiya. Maybe you'll be their next target but I can't say for sure. I know you're not the kind of person to do favors but, please if anything happens protect them if they can't do that themselves..." His facial expression remaind unreadable but he nodded. He knew who I was talking about.

"I'll do what I can. Anyway, I better bring this big baby home or he'll throw up on me. Goodnight, Tighnari", he said and turned around. "Be careful, Alhaitham..." He turned around to face me one last time. "I will" -and walked towards their house.

I turned around and started my walk back but not without noticing the gagging sounds and cursing from the other two men. We knew that we would see each other again, like we always do but had a strange feeling about this.

I couldn't put a finger on it but ever since this semester started I had a somewhat lingering bad feeling. My senses were on high alert and I was suspicious of every tiny unusual thing. I just hoped that Cyno, Collei and the roommates would be alright. I knew that they were all capable of protecting themselves but I couldn't help it.

It was already dark outside and the forest was little illuminated by bioluminescent wildlife. Dusk birds were still awake and chirping, the rustling of leaves and branches was everywhere, in the distance an owl was howling. The atmosphere was calm and relaxing, something that I needed the most right now. I took some deep breaths as I trotted further into the forest depts on my way to Gandharva Ville as I heard many growling noises coming from afar.

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