Insecurities [Ch 9]

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"Cyno, could you be so kind and let go of my hair for a moment? The dosage must be precise so I need to concentrate..."

"But it's so soft... Nari, I'm cold!"

I sighed. "Okay, I'll get you another blanket..." I put down my bowl with freshly prepared medicine and stood up. Cyno shivered a bit so I could see that he's serious.

"Be quick please..."

"Of course" I placed a small kiss on his head and made my way towards Umm who stood in front of the big building in the center of Gandharva Ville.

"Good morning, Umm. Could you give me another blanket? And a few pillows if you have the chance?"

The old woman smiled at me. "Of course, dear. Here you go..." She handed me the requested items and I walked back towards my hut after saying goodbye to her.

"Lift your head a bit, please." He did as I told him and I shoved the pillows between him and the bed. After that I wrapped the blankets tightly around him.


He sighed and smiled. "Yes..." He yawned.

"Get some sleep, love...", I told him but he was already fast asleep.

I tied my hair together in a messy ponytail and went over to Ashpazi who prepared the breakfast meal for the Forest Rangers.

"You sure have much to do these days. You really don't want Amir to take over some tasks from you?" He asked me while I began to cut some raw meat.

"No, it's fine, really. I already adjusted the patrol plans when Collei went to enroll. The General and his assistant are just a little change in routine I can deal with. Thanks for the concern tho.", I answered him as I placed the meat onto a pan and let it cook while I prepared the mushrooms and fruit.

"Bas, are you awake? I got you your food!" I entered Colleis hut quietly after I finished preparing the food. The orange Valuka Shuna peaked out of the bed from underneath the blanket and moved it up. "Yes, Tighnari Sir, I am up." They tried to walk up to the table after I placed the food onto it but soon got dizzy and started to trip. "Be careful! Here, you can eat on the bed." I gave them the bowl but they shook their head. "What if I spill something? I can't do it." I gave them the cutlery and said: "That's fine. I'll clean it up. More important is that you gain energy again so you recover quickly. Now eat up, or else it'll rain tomorrow!"
"Thank you, Sir..."

I left them to their meal and walked back towards my hut to check up on my husband as Collei came running towards me from the hill just outside Gandharva Ville. "Collei, I'm glad you're here. Did you settle everything back at the Akademiya?" She had trouble to catch her breath and handed me a letter. To Forest Watchers Tighnari, from... The Grand Sage?

What could the head honcho possibly want from me? "... because... Cyno...", Collei forced out through her breaths. I opened it and skimmed over it. They want a meeting with me this afternoon to evaluate the absence of Cyno and Bas. I pulled down my eyelids in annoyance and sighed.

"I'm homework-free until Monday so I can watch them today. It's no problem. You go to the meeting." I placed the letter back into the envelope. "I know you'll do that perfectly but... It's just that Cyno is a lot more needy and affectionate these days. I guess the narcotics still aren't completely out of his system... You sure you'll be alright? I don't want him to scare you again..." She nodded and I smiled while looking back at the hut in which my husband has been sleeping.

"Alright then, but if you need any help feel free to ask Amir for anything. I'll try to be back as soon as possible."

As soon as the sun reached its peak position, I adjusted my belt and straightened the fur on my ears. I pulled the leaves a bit to the side and took a look back into my hut. "I'll be gone now, Collei. Remember what I told you!" Her glowing eyes detached from the page and she looked up from her textbook. "Of course, Master. Safe travels!"

~Alliances and Animosities~ - {CyNari}Where stories live. Discover now