New Company [Ch 11]

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A few days passed. The sun started to rise and scholars of all Darshans spreaded around campus to chat before their classes. Many groups of students were scattered around the entrance of the biggest educational facility in Teyvat.

"Laina, stop running! We still have an hour until the first period-", Mejah huffed out of breath, trying to calm the girl running in front of him down, "Besides-" She suddenly stopped on a pedestal leading up to the Akademiya and Mejah finally caught up to her.

Along with Laina, all the other students seized their conversations, watching the scene before their eyes. Everything was silent. The only thing everyone could register was the sounds of small but heavy boots walking up the stairs.

They looked nervous, unsure even, as every glance landed upon the person. They weren't part of the Akademiyas executive system for long but everyone was quite familiar with them.

Seeing a child like this was... Unusual, to say the least. Their arms, legs and torso were covered in scars, the fur on their tail was scorched in some places and the big ears were flickering around to compensate the tension they were feeling.

They didn't like being watched. They felt like an animal on display but their position required a confident appearance and cool head, so they tried their best to regain composure.

The gaze of a few dozen people still layed upon them. They usually didn't see them alone. Someone was missing. An odd feeling crept up in the students, looking at each other to confirm their eyesight. The heavy door to the building shut after the child entered the building and the discussion afterwards was more heated than before but all of them centered around one question. Where is the General?


My eyelids slowly lifted and I was surprised that rays of sunshine already flooded my dorm. My body felt heavy after the long evaluation process to ensure that Bas would be able to work again. On top of that I had to walk all the way back to Sumeru City in the evening. I looked at my small pocket watch and opened my mouth in disbelief. Shit, shit... Ten minutes until the lesson starts!

I quickly got ready, threw all of the necessary textbooks into my shoulder bag and almost forgot Master Tighnaris letter I had to deliver during lunchtime. I locked my door and hurried towards the Spantamad classrooms.

After slipping through the door, the bell announced the start of the first period. I sat down on an empty table and started to focus myself on brewing potions and elemental substances.

Two periods later it was finally lunchtime. The halls were empty, most likely because it is the time of the semester where many exams are due so most people are at the House of Daena to study.

On my way to the Grand Sages office I noticed a familiar pair of ears. The person they belong to was sitting on the ground, reading. "Ah, hello Bas." They looked up in a confused manner. I guess not a lot of people talk with them on first name basis. "Good day, Collei. I wanted to thank you for taking care of me while recovering!" They stood up and bowed before me. I just chuckled and dismissed it with a simple hand gesture. "Oh, it's nothing really. Glad I could help. So, you have regular lunchtime now, too?" They nodded. "Yeah, while the General is still at Gandharva I'll be assisting Nabil at coordinating the Matra. So I have breaks like every scholar here. And you? Where are you heading to?"

"I have a letter from Master Tighnari that I need to deliver to the Grand Sage. It probably contains Cynos condition and your evaluation from yesterday."

"Ah, I see. Well, then I won't keep you any longer. Have a nice day and tell the General my regards later." They waved me goodbye and I returned the gesture. "I will, have a nice day too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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