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                             •Elysian Monroe•

"How can anyone love such a deceitful little girl?" Mom said

I had to fight the tears that threatened to spill. I had to be strong, I couldn't let her see me crying. She couldn't see me weak.

"Just like how dad loves you." I mumbled under my breath

"What did you just say to me Elysian?" She spat

She walked towards me. The movement in her walk told me that I should regret my words but I didn't. I stood by what I said. The closer she got, the more my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest.

I stepped back until my back hit a wall. I gulped, I knew what was coming but that didn't mean I feared it any less.

A hand came crashing down on my left cheek. I held in the tears and kept my expression emotionless, she will not see me break.

Again and again, the hand came crashing down repeatedly. It was becoming hard to hold my composure but I had to do it, I had no choice. She wanted to see me break and I wouldn't give her what she wanted.

"You fucking brat!" She yelled, her voice booming through the walls

"Keep your voice down, you're going to wake Eileen" I stated

Her expression at my words changed. The furry in her eyes dissipating the moment the name slipped past my lips. Her most prized possession.

Seconds later, her expression changed to something different something, dark.

"If I can't break you, I'll break her." She smiled

"No!" I screamed as I jumped up

I quickly scanned the room, it was my bedroom. It was only I dream, I sighed out. Fuck, it was only a dream. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time, it was going on 3 in the afternoon.

I got out of bed and softly groaned, my head was pounding. I made my way out of my room and walked to Eileen's room. I knocked onto the door and heard a small voice reply. I opened the door and walked in, I saw her sprawled out on her bed with her head buried in her pillow

"Is this how you feel everyday?" She grumbled

I laughed softly and sat on her bed. I pulled the pillow off her head and tapped her shoulder. She lifted up and looked up at me

"It's how I feel now kiddo" I replied with a smile

She smiled back at the realization she wasn't alone. Her smile soon faded and her expression mimicking a sad child. Her eyes trailed down to her pillow in my hand, I knew what she was thinking about

"What's been said, has already been said. There's no point in dwelling on the past. The important thing is, you're okay." I commented

Her eyes met mine again and for a split second the way she stuck out her bottom lip slightly reminded me of mom. She'd always do it to dad when he wouldn't give her what she wanted. My body shuttered, remembering the dream, I shook the thought of mom out of my head.

Her arms wrapping around my neck broke me out of my thoughts. I chuckled softly as I wrapped my arms around her, laying my head on top of hers.

"You'd be happy to know, there's pizza waiting on you in the fridge." I spoke out

She jumped up and smiled up at me, her eyes quickly narrowing. I hummed as an attempt to hold in a chuckle.

"Take today easy Eil, okay?" I softly spoke

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