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Some parts of this story will be remastered. If this emoji is next to a chapter:💌, it has been changed in some sort of way. I just got hella information from my friends. We were TOTALLY not yapping about Hypertana. Anyways, enjoy ig))

It is but a normal day. At least, in my mind. Just like yesterday. Just like every day. I'm not surprised. My body shivers as a leftover chill from Winter blows in the newly Spring air. My feet drag to the ground, heading to a nearby bar in Crossroads. The sun was finally setting after being up for what felt like eons. I just wanted to drown my worries in whiskey. I don't know why I felt so intrigued by him, but he stumbled in once I was just a few drinks into my poison. He was pretty short. At least, for my height. He was probably pretty average, though. Whatever. But something that did intrigue me was that he was holding a rather large railgun equipped onto his back. Don't make it obvious that you are interested though...But there's an itching feeling he's from a certain place a few factions are conflicting with. Including mine. I've seen him on the battlefield. But that's-

"Your mask." Katana snapped out of his thoughts, turning to his side and seeing the helmet-wearing man, looking down at his reflecting drink.


"I like it. Your mask. I'm assuming you are from Thieves' Den."

"You are quite observant."

"It pays to do your research."

"I see." The two continue to sit in the bustling bar after such, not talking to anybody or each other. Katana's mask and the man's helmet were lifted slightly to drink their drinks.

". . .I've seen you on the battlefield."

"As have I."

"You are very skilled with your weapon."

"As are you. But I believe I'm asking the wrong questions. Does the long-range sniper have a name?"

"Is my name important?"

"I will udder mine if you do yours."

"Very well. I am uncomfortable with saying my real name. But call me Hyperlaser."

"Call me Katana."

"It figures." The two share a mutual chuckle. The two begin to talk about themselves, getting to know each other. Hyperlaser was a soldier of Blackrock. He was very strict about not wanting to be associated with them, however. Peculiar. But Katana was a respectful and respectable man and did such. Katana was a proud member of Thieves' Den. That was all he had talked about himself for. There was nothing else to say but that. The two exchanged words and numbers in case they needed a friend to talk to. "So...do you like cats."

"Of course. But I feel as though they are difficult to take care of. Not like an owl."

"You have an owl."

"Of course."

"Does it have a name?"

"Normally if I see an animal I enjoy or that enjoys me, I wouldn't give it a name. Attachment. But I call him Prince."

"How sweet. Katana, you seem lively."

"I get that a lot."

"Do you?"

"Unfortunately. But you don't seem lively in the slightest. But I would expect such."

"Is that an insult?"

"No no. But you are an older man in a bar. I would expect you to not have a very good life. I would assume you do not feel good...mentally. If you know what I mean." The silence was deafening as Hyperlaser sipped on another drink the barkeep filled up. He took a sip out of the glass, sighing.

"...You are quite eagle-eyed. But so am I. You feel the same, do you not?"


"...Do you have...any boundaries I must know of?"


"Boundaries. I don't want to accidentally overstep."

"...All I ask is that you do not ask permission, nor at all, to look under my mask."

"Interesting. I cannot ask for a peek under, nor will I attempt as long as you do not, but may I ask what is under?"

"I feel what lies beneath should stay unknown."

"Mmh. Is it a freak accident?"

"It might as well be. Is yours?"

"Unfortunately. The helmet is a sight aid."

"Hm. I would expect nothing less from a place like Blackrock. They are very technologically advanced."

"They are. This...might be overstepping, but...may I at least know the color of the eyes I am looking at?"


"You don't have to answer. But mine are-...well...they WERE blue. Sapphire."

"...Mine are Ruby. Ruby red."

"What a contrast."

"Were you comfortable telling me that?"


"Katana. You need to tell me if you are comfortable with something. I won't yell at you."

"...You won't?"

"Why would I?" Katana felt a small blush appear on his face.

One thing led to another, and I now have a friend. At least, I think I do. He made me feel like I genuinely meant something. Something to him. My heart. He reminds me of...

Mother, are you proud of me? I have made it so far in life. I was so close to doing an unforgivable act. An act that even my ancestors cannot forgive me for. But he stopped me without knowing it. But I must take my leave now. I need to meet my friend at a bar. But this one isn't for drinking. He is coming to Thieves' Den for a bit this afternoon.

He closes his journal and gets up from his zabuton, brushing off his red hakama and tightening the bow on the back of his pants. He slips his Geta onto his feet and walks out, fixing himself up and grabbing his Katana(for good measure in case something came up) before hitting the road. He crouched slightly to get through his door, seeing children playing in the falling cherry blossoms planted around the village of Thieves Den. As well as the apparently "natural" few kids stealing from elders and other adults. He sighed, locking his door before sliding it closed. He walks into the nearby train station to wait for his friend. He sat patiently on a bench, waiting for him at the metro. It took a good few minutes before his train arrived. Hyperlaser stepped off. Instead of being in his suit, he had changed into a black leather jacket with a light blue trim on the bottom, zipper, and cuffs of the jacket. The jacket had a hood that also had a trim. He also wore some dark grey jeans and a baggy t-shirt with cuts in the shoulders that showed his shoulders. He spots Katana, walking over to his friend through the busyness of people leaving the metro. "...Hey."


"You look nice."

"You do too. I like your jacket."

"Thank you. I like your hair. It looks nice when it's down."

"You think so?"

"I do."


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