The Notice

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⚠️WARNINGS: nothing this chapter⚠️

I wake up to a rainy Monday morning. I sigh when I realize that I got school today.  I get into the shower and wash my face. I change into ripped jeans and a sweatshirt while I leave my hair down and put on some slight makeup. I grab my backpack and my keys and head towards the door waiting for Chloe to be done getting ready. I check my notifications on my phone and click on a Twitter notification. I couldn't believe my eyes. Am I dreaming? What the fuck. Taylor Swift just liked my tweet. I start sobbing uncontrollably. I scream so loud.

"Amelia!" Chloe yells at me.

"Pinch me" I ask Chloe.

Chloe pinches me and I'm sure as hell not dreaming. Taylor Swift actually just liked my tweet.

"I'm sorry Chloe... Taylor Swift just liked my tweet."

"Oh my god Amelia i'm so happy for you but girl we got to go to school."

"FUCK!" I say and we both rush out the door.

I couldn't believe what just happened and I couldn't wait to tell Bridgette. On the way I listened to my Taylor playlist and walking slowly in the August breeze. We make our way towards the school and I instantly run towards Bridgette. I show her my phone and she screams and jumps up and down with me.

"AMELIA NO WAY!" she screams.

"I know I thought I was dreaming" I say back.

We smile and head inside to start off our morning. First we had math which isn't my favorite at all in a matter of fact I despise it with every single bone in my body. Bridgette on the other hand likes the class only because the teacher is cute. He isn't. I sigh as I put my backpack down and take my seat. The teacher explains whatever the fuck we're doing and to be honest I don't get it. I obviously don't want to sound stupid so I just guess on the paperwork and turn it in. I zone out and stare out the window watching the birds fly by. The bell finally rings and we head towards our next class.

                         ~ After school ~

I walk into my room at the orphanage and  throw my backpack on the floor and change into more comfortable clothing. I realize that tonight is movie night and a small smile appears on my lips. I look over at Jessica who is reading her book and Chloe who is talking on the phone. I sigh and scroll through my social media. I post a picture of me on my instagram with my caption saying " where is home?" it's a picture of me with a Taylor Swift record vinyl that I couldn't afford. Taylor makes me feel like home after all. At around 6pm we all gather around on the floor in our rooms and pick a movie to watch for tonight. I get a notification on my phone from Instagram and I click on it to see Taylor Swift liked my post. Again? No only this time did she like it she also commented.

"You're the cutest 💕" - TaylorSwift✔️

I screamed so loud that all the girls looked at me horrified. I started balling my eyes out. I can't believe this is happening. Taylor Alison Swift just called me cute. I can't. I literally can't. Jessica takes my phone out of my hands and replies to the comment for me while I curl up into a ball and cry.

TSwiftAddict replied to TaylorSwift✔️: "I love you so much!"

Within seconds Taylor likes the comment. Jessica shows Chloe the phone then they both look at me.

"I think Taylor is Taylurking" Jessica said to me.

I couldn't even bare to talk I was sobbing so hard. I grab my phone and put it on the charger so I could go to sleep. I ended up dreaming about Taylor Swift. Like always. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked around the room seeing that everyone else is asleep. I walk downstairs to grab some water from the kitchen. I head back to my room and drink some of the water leaving the rest on my nightstand. I fall back to sleep.

In the morning me and Bridgette hangout at her house. We watch movies and listen to Taylor and talk about her and I show her the comment and she freaks out. She talks about our ugly math teacher. I laugh. It was a fun time until I had to go to work. Now work isn't a fun place for me I barely get paid and my boss is an asshole person. I work at this boring coffee shop that millions of people go too. I start getting ready and put in my headphones for my long walk towards work. I always dread going to work. I mean who doesn't. I walk in the doors to the coffee shop and place my stuff in the back. My boss Derek dick face rushes me to the cashier to work. I hate this guy so much. I place orders and make the stupid coffee.

"Hello I'd like a black coffee with cold foam" this guy told me.

"Would that be cold or hot?" I ask.

"My bad cold" He smiles and waits for his coffee.

I make the coffee hand it to him and go on my break. During my break I honestly just listened to Taylor I wasn't that hungry anyway. My break finished fast. Too fast. I sigh as I walk slowly back to the cashier and take a bunch of other peoples orders. Many many orders later it was finally time to leave. My favorite part. I grab my things and speed out that door. I put my headphones in my ears and play my Taylor playlist. Often I'd get people who would ask if I needed a ride I used to drive home with my boyfriend... then we broke up. I found out he was cheating on me with this girl in San Francisco. That's literally across the country. What a loser. I smell like coffee and I most definitely need a shower. I walk into the orphanage and put my stuff in my room. I wave to Chloe and Jessica and pick out an outfit for me to wear to bed. I grab sweats and a hoodie and shower. After my shower I walk into the room.

"Hey hun" Jessica smiles down at me.

"Hi" I say.

"How was work?" Jessica says and Chloe looks up from her phone.

"Boring" I say.

"I figured" Jessica replies.

Chloe just smiles at me and goes back to her phone. I go over to my bed and grab my phone and go onto Snapchat and send my snap streaks. After that I practically just fall instantly too sleep.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!


Amelia: Adopted by Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now