The date

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⚠️WARNINGS: Nothing⚠️

I wake up around 10am and realize I got a text from Jackson.

Jackson: meet me at Central Park around 1pm.

Me: Okay!

I smile and put my phone down. Jessica and Chloe were both already awake and they were going to help me pick out my outfit. It's gorgeous outside about 80°. I'm very happy for the hot weather. We decided on a beige short skirt with a white tank top crop. I wore white socks with white converse and left my hair down. I put on some blush and mascara and obviously lip gloss. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I grab a little black purse that Jessica bought me a couple years ago from walmart. I put in my portable charger, a book, some more lipgloss and that's probably it. I'm so scared for this date thingy. Im terrified. What if he murders me? Oh god. I try to breathe as Jessica and Chloe wave me goodbye. I start my walk towards Central Park and it's an extremely long walk. I put my headphones in and play my Taylor  playlist. I pass by stores and shops and I finally make it to Central Park. This is a huge park but I suppose I think he meant the place I met him yesterday. I start walking towards there and I see the tall handsome smiling Jackson. He is so tall and handsome as hell. He's definitely athletic or works out. He is wearing a white t shirt with some nice jeans looking things. I don't know lol. I walk closer and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hi" he says.

"Hi" I say looking down shyly.

He looks down at me. God he is so tall. Or maybe I'm just so short. Whatever. I keep looking down and he tilts my chin up to look at him. I slightly blush and he just smiles.

"You look very beautiful Amelia" He says still holding my chin up facing him. I blush at his comment and smile.

"Thank you Jackson" I reply.

We start walking to this coffee shop place it's more like a bakery. I take a seat across from him and he just looks around the place. We talk a little about our life's before he goes to order some coffee. I'm order a small caramel iced coffee with low calories. He orders a medium salted caramel iced coffee. I take a few sips of my coffee and he starts asking me questions.

"What's your favorite movie?" He asks looking at me.

"Um.. I'd say Pitch Perfect" I smile at him then I look down and take a few sips of my coffee.

"I like The Sandlot" he says.

We talk for a little while longer and I can't help but like talking with this guy. He's so easy to talk to.

"You make me nervous" I say to him looking down at my unfinished coffee.

"Oh do I know" He tilts my head up so I'm looking at him and a playful smile appears on his lips. He really needs to stop doing that. Oh who am I kidding I love it.

"Jackson?" I ask him.

"Yes Amelia?" He replies.

"Do you want to go to the movies?" I ask him.

"Sure" He smiles and we both walk towards a movie theater.

Walking in New York City is always crazy. I mean there's people everywhere. Should I hold his hand? I should right? Ugh fuck it. I slide my hand near his and hold it. He looks down at me and smiles. We finally make it to the theater and decide to watch the new Hunger Games movie. We sit near the back of the theater. I recline my seat and get comfortable. I don't know if we should cuddle or not I mean we just started dating and also we just met too. I'll wait to see if he makes a move. The lights turn off and the movie begins. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to him. I smile up at him and then move my eyes towards the movie. He starts playing with my hair and I blush. God why do I have to blush. He looks down at me and smiles. I feel butterflies tingling all around in my stomach. The movie finishes and he holds my hand on the way out of the theater. We start walking towards the street the orphanage is on and I tell him to stop here. We stop and he looks down at me. I look down not wanting to make eye contact cause I know it will drive me crazy. He tilts my chin up and moves a piece of my hair out of my face. He smiles down at me.

Amelia: Adopted by Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now