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⚠️WARNINGS: Talking about Trauma⚠️


"AMELIA!" I screamed.

Boom was all I heard as she fell into my pillow. My sobs grew louder and louder. I was so scared. What if I lost my baby. My precious little angel. My everything. I can't lose Amelia. It won't happen. IT CANT FUCKING HAPPEN. The paramedics are here now talking Amelia on a wheeler and telling me to calm down. How can I stay calm when she could be dead. She still hasn't waken up yet. I'm shaking now. This woman doctor, nurse... I don't know is holding my hand assuring me that everything will be alright. I feel like i'm losing everything I have ever loved. We arrive at the hospital and I call my mother to come to there it's an emergency. She's freaking out and I'm also freaking out. We get to the room and they hook Amelia up in machines. She still hasn't waken.

"Mom is she going on be alright?" I asked.

"Yes honey" She replies rubbing my back.

The doctor comes in to check on Amelia every once in a while. Amelia wakes up and look around. I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her sobbing. The doctor comes in.

"She had a pretty bad panic attack" The doctor said.

"Is she okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yes she is okay she just has some pretty bad anxiety, i'll be putting her on medication if that's alright?" Doctor said.

"Yes that's fine I just want my baby to be alright" I said while stroking Amelia's arm.

"Just sign here please" The doctor said.

I signed the papers and then he told us where to get the medication and we were on our way. My mother drove us there so I could stay in the back with Amelia and hold her in my arms. My mom grabbed the medicine for us and drove us back to my house. Once we got there I headed up stairs with Amelia. We both changed into our pajamas and brushed our teeth.

"You're staying in my bed tonight... okay, honey" I told Amelia.

"Okay" Amelia said.

Once we both got into the bed I kissed her forehead and she fell straight to sleep. I held her close to me scared she would have a nightmare again. Soon after I fell asleep. Nothing happened all night I made sure to hold her close to me. When I woke up she was still asleep so I woke her up gently and told her to get ready cause we are going to Blake's for a game night. It was around 11am and I was getting dressed. I decided to wear shorts with a crop top and a hat. I did my skincare and makeup and hair and brushed my teeth. The normal everyday things that you didn't need to know. Anyway Amelia was in her room getting ready for the night we had coming up. I'm excited cause a bunch of my friends will be there. Including Jack and I've missed him so much he always makes me laugh. I can't believe he's married!! I walk down stairs to see Amelia in wide legged jeans with a Swiftie crop top on. It is very cute!

"Here make sure you take your medicine" I said handing it to her.

"Okay... are we going to talk about what happened later?" She replied after taking her medicine. I nod.

"Ready to go my love?" I said smiling down at her.

"Yeah" She says.


On the ride there we listened to music and sang. It was nice to just have a joy ride. Blake's house wasn't too far. Before you knew it we were at the gate to her house. We drove up there driveway and there were lots of cars. Once we got to the door, Blake was already standing there with a huge smile on her face and arms open wide.

"BLAKE!" I screamed and Taylor giggled.

"AMELIA!" She wrapped her arms around me tightly. Then she went to hug Taylor.

We get inside and I see Jack sitting on the couch and my mouth opens wide. He looks up at me confused.

"What are you staring at?" He says to me.

"Ohhhh your Amelia, I'm sorry about that." Jack said laughing.

I laughed and gave him a side hug and me and Taylor went to sit on the couch. Games were scattered around the huge coffee table. We started off with Cards Against Humanity. Which is such a fun game to play but it's so inappropriate. Taylor gets up before we start and looks down at me.

"Want a drink honey?" She asks me.

"Yes please" I say back.

She walks to get me a drink and she returns with a lemonade for me and wine for herself.

"Thanks mom... I mean uh Taylor" I said.

"You're welcome" She says smiling really wide and everyone is looking over at us.

Did I really just call her mom?


Oh my god she called me mom. Well on accident but still. I'm screaming. Blake looks really happy honestly so does everyone. I think Amelia feels very embarrassed about the whole situation cause she keeps looking downward and not at anyone. A few minutes go back and she's back to looking around at people and we start the game. The game goes on for around 30 minutes and you'll never believe who won...

"I'm just too good" Jack says with his hands in the air bragging to everyone.

We all laugh and start up another round. Everyone is laughing hysterically. This game is so fucking funny. Once we finish this round it's time for everyone to head back to their homes Me and Amelia get into the car and drive back home. We got home and go inside and get ready for bed. She walks into my room to sleep and to talk about what happened the other night.

"Babes what happened the other night?" I asked Amelia getting straight to the point.

"I uh had a nightmare" Amelia said.

"About what?" I replied.

"Uh about what happened with my uh parents" She replied swallowing hard.

"Aww honey i'm sorry that must have been really tough" I hug her and we lay down.

I hold her close to my body as she slowly drifts to sleep. I can't stop thinking about her calling me mom. She's adorable! I'm so tired... I need to go to bed. I fall asleep while holding Amelia.


hello loveys!!

i hope yall enjoyed this chapter and i love yall soo soo soo much!

Amelia: Adopted by Taylor Swift Where stories live. Discover now