chapter one: an adventure

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*!!Chapter One: An Adventure!!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Somewhere in the English Countryside

"This is abstruse." Lady Annalise Humphries of MapleWood sighed as she looked out the window of the elaborate carriage she sat in opposite her brother.

"Annalise, you are an intelligent woman," Viscount Thomas Humphries began as his sister scoffed at his words and rolled her eyes, "you must understand that this is what is best for our family."

"If marriage is so important, why do you not marry? You are older, Thomas." Annalise pointed out.

"Because we are just us two now, the money will only stretch so far and the newly appointed Viscount Tewkesbury's proposal offers a large financial aid we desperately need." Thomas pointed out gloomy, he too had just been appointed Viscount after the devastating loss of their parents.

"Mother and Father always swore we were only to be wed if it were a love match. They have been gone a year and you are already disregarding their wishes. My wishes." Annalise argued, poison lacing her tone, knowing her words cut deep.

"Anya, please." Thomas almost whispered, his voice cracking as he pleaded, using the childhood nickname he'd given her when he was too small to pronounce her full name. "I am doing my best, I'm trying. If I did not believe this necessary I promise, I would not be making you do this."

At her brother's voice and tone, Annalise slumped into her seat in a most unladylike manner, defeated. She was not happy with the arrangement but it pained her to see her brother hurt, he'd been thrust into his new position at only twenty-one. Not only was he dealing with all the responsibilities of a Viscount, he was also now the sole care-giver to a very independent seventeen year old. With an audible sigh, Annalise sat herself up and sent an apologetic smile.

"I am sorry brother. I just did not wish to marry so soon, much less to a man I have not met. Tell me, is he terribly old?" Annalise asked, picking at her gloves. She avoided the political papers, preferring to write her own work, so she had no knowledge of her apparent fiancé.

"Annalise, do you really think I would marry you off to some weathered old buffoon?" Thomas smiled as the carriage jolted and Annalise clutched onto the window for support.

"Thomas, I never thought you would marry me off in the first place, so I do not know." Annalise replied, cringing slightly as the smile on her brother's face dropped. "Sorry, I do not mean to upset you."

"It is okay dear sister. To answer your question, it is my understanding that Viscount Tewkesbury is a rather eligible bachelor. He is but a year older than you and is rumoured to be quite sought after." Thomas explained with a hesitant smile as he anticipated his sister's reaction.

"But is he kind? What of his personality? Will he allow me to write my novels still? To paint? To explore? Or am I too be simply a treasure? Only coming out for occasions and hosting?" Annalise rambled, panic leaking into her tone as she thought of the life she had being ripped away.

"From my correspondence with his mother, he is a kind soul, a new thinker by all accounts. So I very much suspect you will be able to continue your hobbies." Thomas realised he misspoke after he finished his sentence. Writing was not a hobby for Annalise, it was a career, one she was determined to succeed in, no matter what.

"Writing is not a hobby brother. It will be my career. 'Twas my dream before this arranged marriage and will remain my dream. Only one day, I intend for it to become a reality - married or not." Annalise simply stated before turning her gaze back out the window, no longer in the mood for a conversation with her brother. She simply wanted to soak in her last few hours of freedom before the shackles of a wedding and a diamond ring contained her.

yours, truly | lord tewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now