chapter six: famous detectives are nosy

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*!!Chapter Six: Famous Detectives Are Nosy!!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Time passed by all too slowly for Annalise, the hours ticking by so loudly she felt as if her head was going to implode. Which was how she found herself back at Blossom Bay. Only this time she wasn't indulging in pastries and sweet tea, no this time she was engaging in a lesson in self defence, taught by Edith herself.

"Anya, if you aren't careful you'll overstep and that'll leave you open- a weak spot. Always follow your arm until it's fully extended and keep your other arm like this, blocking your face." Edith explained, holding one arm out as if she'd just landed a punch whilst her other arm was locked in a ninety-degree angle, blocking her face just as she'd explained.

Wiping a drop of sweat off her forehead, Annalise tried again landing a punch with a grunt as Edith smirked with pride, "Much better. Now-" Edith was cut off by the sound of a door opening and a man who Annalise thought looked eerily similar Enola walked in. "Anya, practice with Mary-Anne for a moment please."

Annalise was going to go over to Mary-Anne, she was truly, but couldn't help but stop at the refreshment table, pouring herself a glass of water as she nibbled on a biscuit, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Whatever you think you know, Sherlock Holmes please be advised that if you disturb any of my customers..." Edith began as she thought of the potential scene he'd have caused downstairs as Annalise's eyes widened. This was Enola's brother. Enola's brother was here. And so was she. She was toast. Picking up another biscuit she hummed lowly in satisfaction before sipping a minuscule amount of water, prolonging her training so she could listen.

"What? You'd hurt me badly? You hurt my feelings." He charmed with a boyish smile as the older woman rolled her eyes. "I am well aware of your talents, Miss Grayston. The question is, what you'd risk if I were to advise my friends in the government to take a look at this place." He taunted, before turning to the woman with a smirk. 

"I know my brother would be delighted to browse your seditious, dangerous, and extremely banned bookshelves." Annalises' ears perked up at that, she'd have to ask to borrow a book or two. She could also see where Enola got her skills from. It must be hereditary. "You, see? We can both hurt each other. So please, indulge me."

"Five minutes." Edith mumbled with a scoff as Sherlock smiled earnestly at her.

Sherlock began to investigate, "Do you have any sense as to where my mother is?" He was hoping Edith would just answer honestly, but that would be too easy of course.

"How did you find me?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow at the man.

"Letters hidden up her chimney. The ash on the sole of her shoe and the coal dust led me to them."

Edith laughed, "She always said you never missed anything."

"She needs to be home." Sherlock replied simply. "She has a daughter that needs her." At this Annalise choked on her biscuit as Mary-Anne ran over and patted her back whilst Sherlock looked over at her with a quizzical gaze.

Edith drew his attention back to her quickly, "Enola seems to be surviving perfectly well on her own." She shrugged as Sherlock zoned in on her.

"So you've seen her?" He asked hopefully. "Is she safe?"

"She wasn't alone. She said she met a useless boy and a kind girl." Edith shrugged again, thinking of the girl in the corner of the room, nursing her water and being far too obvious about her eavesdropping. "But clearly, she didn't feel like she needed him. The girl however, seemed to stick around. It's good for her to be around people her own age, you know? Enola is on her own path, and so, for better or for worse, is Eudoria."

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