chapter seven: hidden figures

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*!!Chapter Seven: Hidden Figures!!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


"I just met your brother."

"WHAT?!" Enola practically shouted as Annalise hit her with a pillow to keep her from making any more noise. "Sorry- what do you mean, you met my brother?"

"I mean I was at the training room, having some lessons - I figured I'd need them. He showed up, asking Edith an awful lot of questions about YOUR whereabouts. I wasn't very subtle in my eavesdropping I'm afraid so he caught on to me. Followed me, not all the way home, but far enough for me to be unnerved. That's when he began to question me." Annalise explained, the words all blurring together as she sped up towards the end of her tale.

Enola's eyes widened as she panicked. Her brother finding her would set back her plan, at least a week or two. Longer if Mycroft had anything to do with it. "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. Not anything important anyway. I simply told him I saw you briefly at the training rooms. That's it. I heard the name Holmes and was intrigued. But that's all. He bought it I think." Enola felt her shoulders sag in relief, one less problem to deal with. "However," Annalise continued, "He does know of my identity. Not Anya, but Annalise. He said he wouldn't tell anyone though, I think he thinks I want to remain hidden because I was in the training rooms."

"He'll stick to his word. As long as he thinks I'm safe. Thank you for not telling him." Enola mumbled.

"What are friends for? Now. Tell me EVERYTHING." Annalise sat up, crossing her legs and clasping her hands in front of her, eagerly awaiting the inevitable intel Enola had managed to get from her trip. She would be lying to herself if she said that she was buzzing with excitement at the thought of seeing Tewkesbury again - despite the life-threatening circumstances.

"Well, I failed at first. Was essentially kicked out of Basilwether alongside LeStrade who'd been aiding the Marchioness, the family had enough of our one-upmanship. He believes he knows Sherlock better than I." Enola laughed. 

"Then I remember I heard the two of you discussing how Tewkesbury loved being in the garden so I set off and searched the gardens. Bribed a garden hand to give me his clothes and he also told me that Tewkebsury spent an awful lot of time in the woods. In the woods, I found a treehouse near the fallen tree branch that almost killed him." Annalise felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention as fear trickled down her spine. "He'd left a false breadcrumb trail, that's what Bowler Man is following blindly. Rather genius actually. Your future husband has a brain after all."

"Okay, first of all he's not going to be my future husband. Especially not after he knows I've lied to him. Second of all, I'm assuming that clever mind of yours has figured out where he's really headed? Or where he is?" Annalise pressed, eager to find out so they could sleep and wake up sooner to find him.

"Covent Garden. I think he's in Covent Garden. I just have no idea where." Enola laid back in the bed, a puzzled look on her face.

Annalise pondered the thought, scanning her memories of where she could imagine Tewkesbury in Covent Garden before flopping down on the bed next to Enola, a small smile on her face, "The Markets. He'll be at the flower markets."

"Of course! We'll head there first thing! But for now we should sleep. You don't mind if I sleep here do you, it's just I'm so very-" Enola fell asleep before she could finish her sentence. Annalise pulled the covers over her friend before calling one of the maids to help her with her corset and into her nightwear.

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