chapter three: new friends

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Chapter Three: New Friends*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Annalise landed back on firm ground with a thud, landing on top of Tewkesbury. Mumbling apologies she removed herself swiftly as a blush coated her cheeks. Enola watched the two with a curious glance before turning her attention to the noises that Tewkesbury had let out as they'd flown off the train.

"You do make an awful lot of noise, don't you?"

"Well, it turns out, being thrown off a train hurts considerably more than you might think." Tewkesbury grunted as he brushed dirt off his jacket, looking down at it in distaste. "And I've lost a button."

"Be grateful you only lost a button Lord Tewkesbury." Annalise found herself addressing him properly now that the threat of danger was temporarily evaded. He nodded sheepishly at the girl, not forgetting the way they had just been far too close to be considered proper, flushing at the thought.

"You do know you've entirely ruined phase three of my plan?" Enola complained as the trio stood, making their way across the grass and heading to the nearby fields.

"Phase what?" Tewkesbury asked, looking between Enola and Annalise, the latter of which was busy adjusting her skirts and corset to pay much attention to the conversation. "Who the hell are you? Look, I believe our recent brush with death deserves us at least a name." He demanded, pointing between himself and Annalise.

"Enola Holmes." Enola replied, causing Annalise to look up from her skirt.

Tewkesbury appeared awestruck, "Holmes... Like Sherlock?"

Enola nodded begrudgingly. "And I am undercover, so forget I told you that piece of information." With it being clear to Annalise that Enola was not a fan of the shadow her brother's name cast, she mock-saluted her new friend. Enola sent a small grateful smile her way, appreciating for once somehow hadn't gone googly-eyed over her brother. That was until Tewkesbury got over excited.

"Undercover working for him?" He asked enthusiastically.

Enola sighed, growing tired of the questions as Annalise chuckled, linking her arm with the girl who did not seem too pleased by the gesture. "Undercover from him."

"So that's why you're dressed like a boy then? Or do you just prefer trousers?" Annalise asked, she'd had a friend growing up who'd loved wearing trousers in her home when alone, she found them more her style and who was Annalise to judge that. They made her friend happy so she was happy.

"Hence why the two of you are to say nothing. So?" Enola asked.

"What?" Tewkesbury asked, confused as Annalise pulled Enola into a hug.

"Thank you! You saved our lives." Annalise thanked, pulling away, about to turn her thanks to Tewkesbury when Enola scoffed at the boy unimpressed by his lack of awareness.

"Thank you? You're supposed to say thank you. Like Anya just did." Annalise blinked, forgetting she'd given them both her nickname.

"For what?" Tewkesbury asked. Annalise found her jaw dropping at his lack of gratitude. Was he really that self-absorbed that he didn't realise that Enola had risked her life for them? Two people she'd known for all of five minutes? Maybe he wasn't as kind as his eyes let on.

"Lord Tewkesbury, we'd be dead without Enola. You're supposed to thank her for her aid. It's the polite and proper thing to do." Annalise explained kindly, confused as to just how sheltered he seemed to be.

yours, truly | lord tewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now