chapter nine: disastrous detour

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*!!Chapter Nine: Disastrous Detour!!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


The trio were chugging along in the automobile as Annalise admired the view and she wasn't just talking about Tewkesbury. Lush green fields stretched for miles as Enola amateurly drove them God knows where. Annalise unhooked one of her arms to point out a space in the field that had a river running alongside it.

"There." She stated plainly, whispering in Tewkesburys ear.

"There what? I don't see anything?" He replied perplexed.

"There, is where I'd live. In my dream. I'd have a modest but comfortable home, rooms for all my books and a writing room. A greenhouse. I'd need one since I have a newfound appreciation for flowers and plants you see." She winked at him as he smiled down at her in his arms. Suddenly vivid images of a future they may share entered his mind.

She'd spend her mornings writing whilst he worked in the House of Commons, fighting for equality and other such important acts, then he'd return home for lunch which they'd share together as she told him all about her latest adventure that had spilled onto her parchment. Then they'd walk the fields and he'd always find a new specimen of plant to teach her about before they returned to the greenhouse and spend hours caring for their plants. And then the evening would come and they'd find solace in each other's arms and talk about their days even though they'd shared them together, making sure to tell each other something they didn't already know. It would be heaven. And he was determined to make sure it happened. After they'd survived his life-threatening escapades.

"And do pray tell, am I involved in such a dream?" He asked boldly, almost nervous for the answer, unaware of the nervous smile Enola was sending their way. She truly hoped Tewkesbury would forgive Annalise after all this was over.

"If you'll have me." Annalise replied with as much confidence as she could muster. Before Tewkesbury could respond Enola slammed the brakes, almost sending Annalise flying out of Tewkesburys arms.

"Enola? Why have you stopped? We need to get back to London and hide." Tewkesbury asked as he readjusted Annalise in his arms and checked over her to make sure she was unharmed.

"Enola," Annalise warned, "whatever you're planning... don't. We need to get to safety."

"We need to go to Basilwether." Enola replied bluntly as Annalise gaped in shock and Tewkesbury began his protest.


"An injustice has occurred. It's time to right some wrongs. You want a culprit, find the motive." Enola explained as she handed Tewkesbury a newspaper and began driving again. The bold headline reached his eyes: DEADLOCK IN LORDS AS VOTE LOOMS - LAST CHANCE FOR CHANGE!

"I don't understand?"

"When were you due to be induced into the Lords?"


"How would you have voted on the bill?" Annalise found herself asking as the puzzle pieces slowly came together.

"The same as my father." Tewkesbury replied, almost confused by the question, the answer seeming obvious. "I'd be for it."

Enola sighed in despair, "Who knew that? And who stands to gain the estate with your father dead and if you die?"

Tewkesbury gulped. "My uncle. You think this is my uncle's doing?" He asked incredulously.

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