chapter eight: a recipe for rescue

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*!!Chapter Eight: A Recipe for Rescue!!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


"Right so we've covered the plan?" Annalise asked for the third time in ten minutes, causing Tewkesbury to stand before her laughing gently.

"Anya, we've gone over this a hundred times. It's simple. I'll climb in the box and you'll deliver it to Enola. Then we'll sneak Enola out in the box and I'm the dashing young man here to help you load the box back once the parcel has been 'delivered'. We've got this. Enola will be out in no time." He reassured kindly as he took a hold of Annalises' hand, squeezing it gently.

"I just worry. She spends so much time worrying about everyone else. And she's been there for a week now. It'll be crushing her." It had taken the duo a little while to figure out exactly where to look for Enola. Racking their brains for past conversations and asking the right questions to the right people had led them straight to her - Miss Harrison's Finishing School. Even the name sounded miserable, Annalise thought.

"Well, we are here now. Look, up ahead." Tewkesbury tried to remain positive. He himself was nervous, he wanted the plan to run smoothly of course. However, though he'd never admit it, he was gutted the investigation had not taken longer, the week had gone by in a haze of laughter and longing looks, looks which never amounted to anything more for both teens were far too nervous to act upon it.

True to his word, they were pulling up to the finishing school. Annalise rolled her shoulders back and set her jaw tightly as they approached. With one final squeeze of her hand Tewkesbury climbed into the box and Annalise fastened the latch as the horse and carriage pulled up to the door.

One of the footmen opened the door for her, holding out a hand for her to take as she descended the steps which she took politely, thanking him quietly, "Will you and your partner please help me deliver this? I believe it may be a rather heavy load." She teased, her smile evident in her voice as she pictured Tewkesbury's offended face.

"Of course, my lady." He replied as he and his partner took a side each and lifted the box containing Tewkesbury with a grunt as Annalise hid her smirk, leading the way as she walked up the steps to the school. Knocking loudly, she took a step back waiting for an answer when a young girl answered.

"How may I help you?" The girl asked in a tone that was less than friendly.

"Hello there. I'm here to drop off a parcel to Enola Holmes. Special delivery. I must see it to her room. It's from Mycroft Holmes." Annalise relayed the rehearsed speech word for word as the girl nodded with a sniff.

"Room 216. Second floor. I presume your men will be able to lift it." She didn't wait for Annalise to respond before walking away.

"Clearly this finishing school needs some lessons on basic hosting and etiquette." Annalise mumbled under her breath as she made her way inside the school and followed the poor signage until she found herself in front of room 216. Knocking on the door, she struggled to hold back a grin. "Special delivery!" 

"Anya?" Enola muttered to herself before flinging the door open, her jaw dropping in shock as she met the happy face of her best friend. "What are you-"

"Here to personally deliver a parcel from Mycroft Holmes for you. That will be all gentleman. Thank you for your help." Annalise dismissed them with a drop of change and they quickly left the room.

"What on Earth does Mycroft want? And what on Earth are you doing associating with him?" Enola asked incredulously. Annalise began to open her mouth, with every intention of answering when she was cut off by the sound of a loud sneeze from inside the box. Enola looked between the box and Annalise before sending a swift kick to the box.

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