chapter five: factory fights

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*!!Chapter Five: Factory Fights!!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Annalise had returned to her London home in Hyde Park to see that she was safe for another day at least, her brother had not yet returned to their home. When she had asked the maids where he was they had informed her that he'd been staying with Tewkesburys family helping them look for the boy whilst subtly looking for his sister. Apparently he had informed the Viscounts family that his sister had returned home whilst they rectified the issue. It wasn't exactly a lie, her brother just didn't know it. And after Annalise had promised the staff at the house a bonus, they swore to keep her being there a secret.

Time had moved awfully slow and yet quick at the same time and soon a fortnight had passed with no word from Tewkesbury or Enola - not that Tewkesbury would know how to reach her. Deciding that sitting around and waiting for things to come to her, she'd made the decision to go out and see what the streets of London had to offer her - despite how improper it would be for a girl her age to wander without a chaperone.

Tying her blue cape around her neck and securing it with a bow, Annalise looked over her appearance with a content nod, she made her way out into the street with one destination in mind: Blossom Bay, a quaint tea shop/cafe that had a reputation for rather noisy clientele upstairs that Annalise never bothered to query.

Hearing the bell above the door chime, Annalise let a smile fall on her face as she smelt the familiar scent of baked goods enter her nose. Making her way to a window table, Annalise greeted the waitress with a smile and asked for a lemon dessert and a raspberry tea and waited, people watching out the window, imagining stories of every person that walked past.

She pulled out her notebook and began to make notes, jotting down her ideas and nibbling on her dessert, humming in satisfaction. When three pages had been scribbled in almost ineligible, the bell rang out again and in walked a familiar face; Enola Holmes.

"Enid!" Annalise shouted out across the room, spraying the table with crumbs as she stood waving, trying to catch Enola's attention, smiling when the girl spotted her.

"Anya, what a surprise. Also, Enid?" Enola asked, stumbling back when Annalise hugged her tightly. Slowly she wrapped her arms around the girl dressed in blue, patting her back awkwardly, not familiar with the intimate contact.

"Well, I could hardly shout," Annalise glanced around before leaning in close to Enola's ear, "Enola, in a room full of people when Enola is not a name you wish to be known around here." She grinned, pulling back and looking at the girl's dress. "Nice dress, did you get it from the boutique on Harlington Street?"

"Uh, yes. I believe so. The woman in there was a nincompoop." Enola sighed as the patrons of the tea shop looked horrified at her poor etiquette and manners. Rolling her shoulders back, Enola turned to a waitress after hearing the usual thuds from upstairs, "Excuse me, what's up there?" She asked a passing waitress.

"Noisy bloody women." The waitress laughed and continued on her way as Enola went to the stairs and embarked up them, Annalise following behind her.

"What are you doing?" Enola glanced back at the sound of following footsteps.

"Aren't you a detective? I'm following you, duh." Annalise rolled her eyes with a smile as they reached the top. Her smile turned into one of shock when she saw a room full of women fighting each other as a beautiful lady stood instructing them in the middle of the room.

"No, harder. Don't be afraid of her. Step forward this time." The woman told one of the girls before noting the two young girls standing in her doorway. "You wanting to be recruited?" She asked.

yours, truly | lord tewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now