Chapter 13 Class B Battle Royal

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If Izuku had thought that being an underground hero and instructor for UA hadn't tired him, then he would soon learned that it can take a toll on your body. Doing nightshift work with Aizawa taking out corrupt people and bad guys while during the dayshift working to be teaching as a teacher is exhausting.

Turns out, after he arrested the Demons, word of the street had said that someone dressed in black began to arrest the criminal. Not only does he target gang criminals and street thugs, but he also targets bigger fish from politicians and corrupt businessmen.

Not only did he have to do the groundwork for Masamori, but he also had to sometimes get the info out of the bad guy himself. The bad guys were sometimes a bit uncooperative but he knew how to persuade them to talk and listen to what he had to say and ask.

Luckily for him, the police or the pros hadn't noticed his involvement just yet. All they talked about was a man dressed in black and since his arresting people with Aizawa, people have begun to talk about rumors on the underground world. Whispers and murmurs continued to reign about a new player that they needed to keep an eye on.

He continued to walk up the stairs to their classroom and left him to walk past their door to his own, passing a few of the students who were on their phones playing. A few of them were sticking their eyes on their phone while followed by cheering and shouting but Izuku didn't pay them any attention.

There's been a lot of people standing in the hallway while playing with their phones since he entered UA. He didn't know if there was a new game on the phone that was trending and he couldn't know since he's been away from society for a long time and his phone he got from Masamori is being monitored by the NSC so he can't join in.

He opened the door to the class and saw them already sitting on their desk with a few of them also playing on their phones. But Izuku's presence in the class is enough to make them put their phones away from the desk.

"Morning class," Izuku spoke.

"Morning sensei." they greeted him as he made his way to the teacher's podium waiting for what their class was gonna be all about.

So far in the last three weeks, they all have been practicing the standard training exercise from hand-to-hand quirkless combat to even physical exercise. They were all wondering what's today class was gonna be all about. Is it going to be a weapon training exercise? Or another quirkless combat? Or maybe a lecture about the importance of safety on Support Items?

"All right, I know that we all cover the basis for the last three weeks. You all had training exercises from physical performance to hand-to-hand combat. But now it's time we go down to business." the class sat anxiously waiting for the next word is gonna be coming out of his sensei mouth.

"We'll be doing some quirk combat training."

Afterward, the class went cheering especially the boys since after so long, they finally gonna started doing some battle exercises, and not just battle exercises, a quirk battle training. They heard from class A that they already did that during their first year resulting in an explosion accident that led to evacuation, but to think that they gonna start the training after waiting for so long is simply exhilarating.

They have been waiting for so long for this class and it's no surprise that their enthusiasm is at sky high level.

"What are you waiting for, a trumpet sound? Get changed into your hero costume, and meet me in Ground Beta in ten minutes." he clapped his hand to awaken the class from their enthusiasm and quickly ran down to the locker room.

Soon he heads to Ground Beta alone while getting things ready and the next ten minutes later, the students of 2B were all making their way over to the training grounds main building. It went without saying, but everyone was more than a bit excited. After all, today was the day of their quirk training session with their teacher. But that wasn't all they had to be excited for. Today was also the day that they got to test out their hero costumes after so long.

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