Chapter 21 Public Execution

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Kendo came running towards the dorm in a hurry after separating herself from Homura sensei once they arrived. After she got back from the way, she saw the explosion and immediately headed straight to her dorm. With the absence of Vlad sensei and Homura sensei being busy checking on the situation with the other teacher, it's up to her to keep her class in control.

She came to check on her class trying to find out what just happened and making sure that everyone was accounted for. Never before in her life, had she come running as fast as she did right now, almost like she was running from an attack.

Along the way, she met with Tetsutetsu and Kaibara along the way as they crossed paths.

"Kendo!!" the steel quirk user shouts out.

She stopped with her track and met them, "Guys, what are you doing here?"

"We just got back in the dorm, everyone is already there. But we can't find Ibara anywhere." Kaibara informs.

"Do you know where she is?" Kendo glances around the area.

"Kinoko said that she saw her praying in the water fountain in the center of the school a few minutes before the explosion happened," he replied back

Sudden dread came toward her face as she realized, she just come from the gate and found most of the teachers were coming from that direction, and that's where Homura sensei coming from. A look of horror came towards her as she went running back to where she came from in a hurry with the two boys from the back following her from behind asking her what was happening to her sudden fear plastered on her face.

She was hoping and praying that whatever was happening to this incident had nothing to do with her.





Izumi came running straight toward the direction of the explosion with Katsumi, Shoka, and Kirishima joining her. Her father is also there but falling behind while trying to catch his breath, but Izumi pays him no attention and decides not to wait for him while there could be something wrong happening in the school.

They continued to run heading towards the scene where it happened following the smoke until they finally arrived at it and found multiple students standing in the area with their hands covering their mouths. There's a yellow police tape line surrounding the whole area with three security drones doing crowd control, keeping the students away from the scene.

Izumi and the others trying to get a peak over what's happening but with multiple students blocking her way, she was forced to cramp her way in between.

Once she's in front, she manages to see over what happened in the scene. There's a crack in the sidewalk with a small black burn mark on it. A few green hair strands are scattered along the path and a small drip of blood is located on the ground.

She along with others gasped over the scene covering their mouth just like the others wondering what was happening there. By the looks of it, it's almost like someone had dropped a bomb on the ground.

Izumi glanced over to the side and found Katsumi covering her mouth with wide eyes open, almost like a dinner plate. She was starting to sweat and breathe heavily. Her pupil shrunk and she was trembling completely. She kept repeating something to herself.

"Oh god. No way. No fucking way."

Izumi who saw her reaction completely different from others realized that she might have known something that was happening. And that is where she realizes, the connection between Katsumi and the scene that's happening here, as her eyes widen with a shocked expression.

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