Chapter 33 Trial of Yagi

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It's 9 in the morning and everyone in Japan is having their eyes glued on television. Parents were sitting in the living room with their breakfast at hand, eyes glued to the television. Workers and employees were watching live on their phones of the news. Students of UA were gathered in their dorm house, with not a single one staying outside waiting for the news to be announced.

Reporters and newscasters from all kinds of media, even a newtime publisher are gathered right outside of the courthouse waiting for the biggest trial in the history of Japan involving the infamous, Izumi Yagi.

Driving in a black sedan car, Izumi comes out with Aizawa sensei escorting her into the prison with Toshonori following on her side. Several reporters are clamoring and snapping photos of her arrival while being questioned before the trial starts.

"All Might, what are your daughter's chances of winning the trial?"

"Is she on suicide watch?"

"Can you give us any comment?"

They continue to walk trying to avoid the crowded reporter who demands an interview while they walk down the stairs.

Watching from afar, Izuku stood with a smirk on his face seeing her being brought by the heroes for what she'd done in the past.

He knew that he was going to be called into a stand for today and judging by the public opinions, her chances of winning were slim to none.

Fixing his clothes, he followed to climb the stairs heading towards the courtroom.

Inside, he sits in a gallery at the defendant's side behind several people. From behind, he could see Toshinori sitting behind his daughter trying to comfort her.

In the courtroom on the defendant's side, there could be seen the Yagi family with the exception of Inko missing. They had hired several expensive teams of lawyers ready to defend her.

On the prosecutor's side, there's a whole staff of UA, Nezu, Nighteye, Gran Torino, Detective Tsukauchi, and a few other pro heroes.

The bailiff carries Izumi who has to wear a quirk-cancelling cuff made by the court as the room began to start with the trial as two sides began to present their statement regarding Izumi Yagi case. At the center, a television is placed in the middle of the bullpen playing a video of Izuku's statement that was broadcast to the world.

"I was diagnosed quirkless, while my sister possessed a powerful quirk that is similar to my mother. And my parents tossed me to the side like a used tool because I couldn't bring the family name to its greatness."

"My parents began to neglect me, my sister betrayed me, my friends abandoned me, and this society had cast me out,"

"And it worked... She neglected him." District Attorney Masahiro spoke around the audience, "Homes and lives were lost. All because of her actions."

"True, she had second thoughts. Remorse which compelled her to become a hero in training. But on behalf of the 758 lives extinguished that day, I say, Izumi Yagi, your remorse comes pointless."

Next, the prosecutor turns and Izumi's lawyer, Miss Ayano begins to play a part in Izuku's statement.

"The students began to beat me with their quirks, the teacher turned a blind eye along with each and every one of you."

"Why wouldn't the adults of Aldera stop her action? They were adults with teacher's licenses whose daily job was to tackle this kind of problem. And what about her friends at Aldera? Under the bad influence of her classmate in Aldera, she was victim to all of this as well."

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