Chapter 45 Cocytus

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Daytime at the Musutafu Police Station and everyone is gathered at the bullpen looking all tense than ever. The sound of police chatter is low to a minimum and people kept glancing towards the entry door, waiting for it to bust open. The room is filled with multiple people from police officers, detectives, and pro heroes, and even Izuku is joined in with Aizawa accompanying him on the side.

That's because the Tartarus guard will come any moment carrying two people from their prison cells to be interrogated.

Izuku stands behind Tsukauchi's desk while staring at the door where the prisoner would come any minute and he can't remain patient for one more minute than he has to. He had been waiting for so long for this to happen. He knows that people kept saying that if you waited for a long period, time moves a bit slower but for him, it's almost torturing.

"Relax would you? They going to be here any minute." Aizawa informed him while sitting in the detective chair.

"I know." He answers.

But no matter what, he kept staring at the door waiting for the prisoner to come straight out there for him to interrogate. It almost feels like he has an itch that he can't scratch.

Soon after, the door was opened and four armed security personnel from Tartarus came to clear the area firsthand. Then four bulky men wearing body armor came carrying both Re Destro and Geten who were wearing quirk-cancelling cuffs on their wrists and chains on their legs and wore a prison jumpsuit.

Everyone looks over to the room as Tsukauchi leads them to a separate interrogation room for them to be processed. Izuku and Aizawa stand at Tsukauchi's office watching the two of them being led to a separate interrogation room.

"So, who should we start with?" Aizawa glances over to his nephew waiting for him.

He took a moment to consider his answer, "The Syndicate first."

Izuku then follows with Aizawa who's walking on the other side of the room glancing from the two-way mirror of Re Destro's interrogation room. Tsukauchi is also in the room.

"He's not talking to anyone since they brought him here, not even during transport or when he was sitting in Tartarus cell." Tsukauchi looked over behind the two-way mirror.

"Well that all is gonna change in a moment," Aizawa added.

"Right, so should I take the first crack while you two watch from here?" Izuku volunteered himself to enter.

"Not happening." Tsukauchi looks over in Izuku's direction, "Last time you talked to him, he bawled his eyes out while muttering some nonsense about Destro ideology for hours."

"Yes, a minor inconvenience, especially for him. But now I think our long-nosed friend over there is ready to discuss some things with me." He points towards Re Destro from over the window.

"That's not the point. No one's talking to him but me." Tsukauchi pressed on almost sounding a bit defensive.

Izuku looked around looking in surprise at the decision in hand, "What? You can't seriously be suggesting that you're the impartial party here. I mean this guy practically ruined hundreds of lives. He humiliates your people by killing those innocent victims. The cruelty, the misery, all of that can easily go away once I do my job and five minutes of alone time."

"He's already pretty banged up when he came here. From what Aizawa said, you turned Deika City to a ground zero." Tsukauchi said remembering the satellite footage he got of Deika City of what's left of it.

"Only because I did what was necessary." Izuku corrected himself knowing that it was true.

"The point is no one's talking to him but me." Izuku glances at the detective at his words wondering where this hostility is coming from.

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