。꙳☼1。☽ 。꙳

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Jimin and Namjoon look down at the two omegas huddled on the dirty floor of the holding pen. They'd been able to hear one of them yelling obscenely through the pines as they walked here, and it doesn't take much guessing which one is the culprit.

Jimin can't help being kind of amused now that he’s finally set eyes on him. He suspects he should be disgusted, the ugly expressions on the faces of the alphas on guard tell him that's the more appropriate response.

The stranger is huge for an omega, he's tall and muscled with a sharp jaw and he even has big hands, feet and long fingers. Jimin notices the fingers because the omega is currently sticking them up at the guards who clench their jaws and growl under their breath.

Somehow, the omega also just looks human. His hair is undercut, bleached and coloured mint green at the ends and his ears are full of earrings, his skin covered in tattoos. Not the sort of tattoos pack members get either, which would be hand-poked blackwork. These tattoos are detailed and filled with bright colour.

The omega stopped yelling as Namjoon and Jimin approached but he continues to scowl out of the pen at them all.

The holding pen is under an awning at the back of a small huddle of ramshackle buildings, used by those patrolling the pack borders who don't have time to return constantly to the main settlement in the foothills of the mountain. Any strays picked up in the surrounding forest, or too close to the pack borders, are kept in the pen until they can be taken up to the pack village or returned back the way they came.

It isn't a very glamorous place, populated only by pack warriors and not furnished with any luxuries. The pen is nothing but a square of dirty straw, with wooden bars and a bucket to piss in.

Jimin can tell that the unusual omega is outraged by the treatment, while the other one, slumped in the muddy straw next to him, looks surprisingly calm and compliant. The comparison doesn’t help the big omega at all, only causing him to look wilder next to his companion who is small with pale skin, a soft face and a trembling lip. He looks the epitome of passive, almost like a little lamb, soft and milky.

Namjoon surveys them and Jimin waits by his shoulder for his response. Namjoon outranks him, and so he naturally defers to him.

'Are you sure that one's an omega?' Namjoon asks with a grimace and one of the guards, Heechan, nods.

'Yeah, I know he doesn't look it but he was fully assessed when we found them yesterday evening.' He nods. 'They've both been washed and recorded in the log so they're ready to go if you want them.'

'Right fucking nightmare he was when we hosed him down too,' the other guard grimaces, 'thought he was going to bite me.'

The big angry omega gives him the finger but Jimin didn't miss the way he had flinched and seemed to shudder when they mentioned assessing him.

Any potential new pack members get hosed down, disinfected and strip searched. Not the nicest welcome, perhaps, but their pack is isolated and small and it's a necessary precaution against both attacks and diseases.

Jimin looks up at Namjoon and tries to judge the look on his face, though he knows they'll accept them, even the strange omega. They lost a lot of the pack over the winter and they need the numbers.

Namjoon gives him a little nod.

'Well, Jimin, as your hyung and your pack senior I get first dibs. And I'll take that one, obviously.' Namjoon barks a laugh and points at the meek little omega huddled in front of them.

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