。꙳☼5。☽ 。꙳

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Jimin loves the smell of the forest.

He runs with his nose down, tracking the scents that rush and undulate beneath his paws.

He's been out for a while and darkness is starting to fall around him. He can see just as well in the dark but the forest still changes to him. He can hear the sounds of different creatures starting to stir among the trees, different smells too, and can feel a kind of dampness brought in with the cooler mist of the night.

A few minutes later, he reaches the start of the gentle slope that curves around the front of his home. He picks his head up, dropping his tail and speeding up until he's running flat out.

He wants to burn away the last of his energy.

Spending time shifted has cleared his head but he's still got a strange feeling lingering in his chest. Like he knows something bad is going to happen, or it already has, but he can't properly identify it.

As his hanok comes into view, he shifts without stopping running, twisting in the air and landing in a crouch just short of the veranda that hugs his little home.

'Nice.' Someone laughs.

Jimin stands up and throws his head back to flick his sweaty hair from his forehead, tugging one of his hands through the front. He keeps his hair shorter than a lot of the pack, but it's still nearly down to his shoulders.

'Thanks.' He grins at Namjoon, who is sitting on the edge of the veranda, legs swinging in the air.

Namjoon reaches down and grabs the shirt and pants Jimin had ditched as he shifted and went for his run. He picks them up and throws them at Jimin, who catches them against his chest.

'You're sweaty. Don't catch a cold.'

'Ah, I won't.' He smiles, but dresses all the same and then hops up the wooden steps and drops down next to Namjoon.

'You OK? You smell…off. And like you went hard on that run.' Namjoon asks.

'Hmm. I'm…not really sure what the answer to that is.'

'Trouble with the new omega?' Namjoon wiggles his eyebrows and Jimin hits him on the arm. 'What? Half the pack's already heard you went and properly claimed him. Scented and everything.'

'It's…complicated.' Jimin sighs.

'Well, I'm sure I can keep up…'

'Where's yours? The omega you took…Yoongi, was it?' Jimin asks, changing the subject.

'Oh, bless him. Left him with Hoseok. Thought that would help.'


'Yeah, he's an anxious little thing. Seemed to think I was going to bend him over and knot him the minute I got him home.' Namjoon huffs out a laugh and leans back on his palms. 'It was kind of sad actually, I think he would've let me.'

'Ah poor thing. It's a shitty world out there. Hoseok will do him good.'

'Yeah. Until the horror twins turn up.'

Jimin grins. 'I think he'll cope. By all accounts he managed to put up with Jungkook for the journey up here.'

'That’s his name, is it? Well, he was certainly…unique, so I guess that says a lot about Yoongi’s fortitude.' Namjoon smirks.

The silence drops around them. Jimin can tell Namjoon's waiting for him to explain.

Explain why he made such a bold and meaningful claim on someone he'd only just met. Someone that, on the surface, wasn't exactly likeable.

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