。꙳☼2。☽ 。꙳

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'Hwang Jungkook.'

'OK. I get the feeling you have a lot more questions, I'll answer them for you. Somewhere more comfortable than here?' He gestures at the grubby pen that Jungkook is still contained in.

'I can't believe you fucks actually put me in a pen.' Jungkook grumbles, moving back towards the gate and wiping his hands on the back of his jeans.

Jimin surveys him. He stands out a mile in his city clothes, though Jimin has to admit to being kind of a fan of the tight jeans. Jungkook is a little bit taller than him and is lean but obviously muscular, definitely the biggest omega Jimin has ever seen.

'What did you expect?' Jimin asks him, holding the gate to the pen open. 'Thought we'd just let you stroll into our home?'

'Fuck knows to be honest. I've thought very little of this through.' Jungkook sighs, stopping by Jimin's side.

'Did you have anything with you?' Jimin nods at him.

'I had a backpack. They took it from me.'

'Well, let's start there then. We'll go get it and then I'll take you somewhere to wash up and sleep?'

'Uh, sure,' he pauses, 'will I be able to see Yoongi-hyung?'

'You're together?'

'Not really, we just joined up halfway from Seoul. I'm not sure I'd have gotten to Seoraksan without him though. I'm not very…tuned into my instincts and I haven't–'

Jungkook cuts himself off and frowns. Jimin hangs on the words lost from his lips.

'You haven't…' He prompts him.

'Doesn't matter.' Jungkook is frowning again.

Jimin just nods and sticks out an arm to gesture the direction to head in. He wants Jungkook slightly ahead of him in case he tries to run or shift into his wolf form. Jungkook has a cocky air to him and Jimin is prepared for him to underestimate his slightly smaller stature as weakness and try something now that the other alphas have gone.

It would be a mistake on Jungkook's part, but Jimin keeps his guard up anyway.

Jungkook keeps darting looks over his shoulder at him but he follows the way Jimin directs without complaint, walking out from the awning and around the end of the hanok into the courtyard in the middle. They stop near one of the outside storerooms and Jimin pokes his head inside.

As suspected, a large backpack is leaning against the wall. All of the zippers are open and some of the contents are spread messily on the ground around it.

'Fuck sake. Did they go through it?' Jungkook shouts when he sees it, pushing past Jimin and dropping to his knees to start angrily checking through his bag.

'Definitely. They'll only have confiscated money or weapons though. Probably your phone too.' Jimin shrugs.

'Oh, only! That's nothing then, just a bit of theft! Fuck them.' Jungkook spits.

He’s been tolerant so far, but the omega is starting to irk him. Jimin lets out a tiny warning growl and Jungkook immediately springs up and into a defensive position.

'What did you expect? Of course you were searched.' Jimin says, trying to keep his voice even.

'I can't be angry that you lot have already fucking robbed me?'

'You're a stranger!' Jimin growls, anger itching under his skin at Jungkook's repeated rudeness. 'Nobody knows who the fuck you are and you've turned up, asked to be taken in and you think we're going to let you stroll in with weapons?'

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now