。꙳☼14。☽ 。꙳

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Jungkook has been with the pack a little over a week when there’s a full-moon, which is due to be celebrated with a special ceremonial hunt.

Jimin hasn’t been around all day and Jungkook feels adrift, unsure whether he wants to participate in the celebrations.

He sits by the dying fire in the omega camp and sulks. Everybody else has left already and the forest is quiet and still around him. Nobody put up a fight when Jungkook refused to join them, they were probably expecting it.

Or maybe they hate him as much as he thinks they do.

He can’t really blame them. He hates them right back.

Aside from Raon. And Miyoung. And Minji. And Yoongi if he counts as part of the pack. And Namjoon has been ok.

And Jimin.

He stabs at the embers of the fire with a stick. He’d wanted so badly to hate Jimin, but as the days pass he finds that he can’t.

Jimin is hard to hate. He’s honest and open, he always says what’s on his mind and calls Jungkook out when he doesn’t in return. He’s funny and easy to get on with, accepting Jungkook in his space without complaint even when Jungkook is irritable and spends most of it stomping around Jimin’s living room and complaining.

Nobody really likes Jungkook, nobody ever has, not really. Jungkook knows that, he grew up knowing that. But he sometimes believes that Jimin does, even though they haven't known each other very long. He almost believes in the fond way that Jimin scrunches up his face in a grin when Jungkook does something stupid. He almost believes from his small gestures that he cares about how Jungkook is doing and how he's settling into the pack.

But Jungkook is a liar, he’s lying to all of them, not least Jimin, so that means that even if this tiny, little delicate flame of a friendship they have built is real - soon enough, Jungkook is going to blow it out.

He sighs, laying back on the reed matting and staring up at the trees that surround him. It’s getting cold without the fire and he doesn’t have the skills to keep it going.

Everybody is going to be gone all night so he should just go to bed.

He could go and join in, but he doesn’t quite know how to when something so blatantly wolfish as a full-moon is involved. He feels a little lost without Jimin’s guidance and that in itself is incredibly irritating.

Realising that, he sits up with a huff. He’s cold and he’s bored and he absolutely cannot be a person that doesn’t dare do something because their alpha is not there to guide them. He grimaces at the word and gets to his feet, rubbing his hands on his pants to clean off some of the ash from the fire, then starts walking.

The murmured swell of voices meets him through the trees as he walks towards the village through the forest. The pack are gathering in a clearing on the mountainside just out of the centre of the village, where five giant fire pits are arranged.

Jungkook plans to just lurk at the edges, maybe steal some of the good food and then skulk off again before the hunters get back. But he sees Yoongi huddled by one of the fires on some mats and finds himself heading over before he’s thought too much about it.

Yoongi turns his head when he hears him, smiles gently and shifts to the side a little, patting the space next to him on the mat. Jungkook sits, crossing his legs and dropping his hands into his lap.

‘Hi,’ he murmurs and Yoongi grins.

‘You’re joining in? What’s wrong?’ He says it with a wink and nudges his shoulder gently into Jungkook’s.

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now