。꙳☼13。☽ 。꙳

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As the sun rises across the treeline, Jungkook watches the shadows it creates between the beams of Jimin’s veranda. He’s lying flat on his back on the wood and he watches the shadows move across his feet, shrinking and creeping away as the sun climbs higher in the sky. Like a sundial.

He lets out a huge sigh.

To which there’s no response. Even though he knows well enough that Jimin heard him.

He blows out a deep breath, causing his bangs to flutter above his forehead, still nothing.

The shadows have nearly all been chased away, indicating it’s nearly midday, when he gives up trying to be subtle.

‘I’m bored.’ He yells, a little satisfied with how it echoes around the small clearing.

Maybe he hears a chuckle, somewhere inside the hanok, but it still doesn’t amount to the attention he was hoping for.

It isn’t that he needs Jimin, not specifically. Nor that he wants to spend time with him. Instead, it’s more that there aren’t very many options for entertainment on this - a rare day off - particularly for somebody not used to having to entertain themselves without electronic devices.

Jungkook longs for his xbox. For his phone. Even just to play some fucking music.

‘Jimin!’ He yells again, almost as much to hear the sound of it ricochet off the trees. ‘I’m so bored! Why will nobody come and play with me?’

He laughs to himself as his voice bounces around the clearing and then fades away.

‘Having fun?’

He looks up to see Jimin leaning in his front doorway, arms crossed.

‘Obviously not. Hence the boredom.’

‘And you’re just going to lie there and yell about it like a princeling?’

‘I suppose you will find out.’ He grins at Jimin’s upside down face, which looms above him wearing a matching grin. ‘Won’t you?’

'Then, I guess we’ll have to do something about it. Won't we?'


‘Get up then, let's go have some fun.’

'Uh, OK.' Jungkook answers and sits up, coy now he’s suddenly confronted with exactly what he asked for.

'I have an idea,' Jimin grins. 'You'll need your boots though. No slides.'

'Oh, really? We hiking or something?'

'Sort of. We can go via the camp and you can get your boots.' Jimin says, disappearing back inside and Jungkook follows him.

Jimin packs some food, folding it into a worn square of leather that he then ties around his waist, and then they set off.

When they get to the camp Jungkook decides he also needs to change his shorts (murmuring that 'they're Louis Vuitton' while Jimin sits outside the tent looking highly amused).

As they start off for real, turning off the path and into the forest just behind the omega camp, Miyoung shouts 'behave yourselves,' and the words ring in Jungkook's ears.

'Do you not normally?' He asks Jimin a few minutes later.


'Do you not normally behave?'

Jimin looks over his shoulder and grins at him.

'Guess that depends on who's definition,' he laughs and then turns back to the path ahead.

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now