。꙳☼3。☽ 。꙳

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Jungkook realises pretty quickly that he's made a mistake choosing to stay with the other omegas and not with Jimin.

Or Alpha Park as he keeps hearing him being sycophantically referred to as. Some of the other omegas had practically fawned all over Jimin when he dropped Jungkook off. It was nauseating.

And now he was stuck with them.

Not only were they already proving to be terrible company but the housing was not at all what he expected.

The solo omegas (code for abandoned, sick and old) had their own camp in a small clearing. It consisted of three huge round tents and a lean-to in the middle with a fire and an open air kitchen underneath.

Jimin had left almost immediately after dropping him off, and now Jungkook was sat on the floor hugging his backpack and being assaulted with questions from a bunch of over familiar and curious wolves.

This morning, he had only met a handful of wolves in his entire life, including Yoongi and his mother. Now, in just twelve hours, the omegas huddling around him had more than doubled his count.

He feels irritable and anxious.

He should have gone with the annoying alpha.

It was obvious to Jungkook that Jimin was already slobbering over him and it hadn't been too hard to encourage it once he caught on.

All it took was a few looks with big wide eyes and a well placed will you help me? And the dumb alpha was practically wagging his tail. But, Jungkook felt like he needed breathing space to work out his plan of action, so he didn't want to rush into staying in Jimin's home.

Jimin's little crush might still be of use, but there also might be better people to attach himself to, and Jungkook didn't want to play his hand too quickly. It seemed more sensible to stay here and assess the rest of the pack first.

Plus, a little longing would do wonders for the clearly cunt-struck alpha.

'Is Yoongi-hyung somewhere here?' He asks suddenly, cutting into the babble around him that he's barely listening to.

He quite likes Yoongi, he would definitely be more tolerable company than this lot.

'Oh no. He's staying with Alpha Kim.' One of the omegas nods and their friend nudges their side and they share a giggle.


'Yes. They went straight to his home. Haven't been seen since actually.'

Several others in the room giggle and whisper together at this news.

Jungkook sighs. From what little he knows of Yoongi after travelling together, he bets he's playing the same game Jungkook is. He's clearly just a bit more at ease getting knotted for it.

'Why didn't you go with Alpha Park, Jungkook?' Someone cuts in and Jungkook looks up to meet the eyes of a small, pretty, male omega. 'He scented you. Gave you a fur. And yet you're here with us, why?'

The omega's eyes narrow and he seems to be appraising Jungkook, trying to suss him out.

'I asked to stay here.' Jungkook murmurs and brings his fingers up to tug at the fur.

'That's sensible,' an older woman cuts in and nods at Jungkook approvingly, 'let him court you a little before you rush into things.'

'You really think he will though? Alpha Park hasn't ever courted anyone!' Someone else adds in barely concealed disbelief.

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now