。꙳☼9。☽ 。꙳

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They leave the village together, an odd group of four, and Jungkook observes them all.

Jimin and Namjoon behave well as they walk through the village but once back among the trees they quickly descend into a clearly well worn dynamic of teasing and play fighting. They scuffle on the path ahead and Jungkook walks behind with Yoongi.

They don’t talk much. They never did, even when they travelled together, focusing instead on just getting by, but Jungkook can see that Yoongi seems more relaxed.

On their journey together, Yoongi had always been the one that got them through and knew how to do everything - but he had also seemed perpetually terrified. He changed their path constantly, checked the area they camped in ceaselessly and even when they rested seemed on high alert, eyes wide and never still.

Jungkook shoots a quick look at him where he walks in the dappled light of the trees. It’s only been a day but he’s notably different.

‘You seem good,’ he murmurs, ‘you finally got a proper sleep?’

‘Ah, something like that.’ Yoongi nods.

‘Is your one OK? Namjoon?’ He nods at the alphas on the path in front of them.

Yoongi shrugs.

‘Don’t know. Seems fine. Clumsy. Not great at cooking.’

‘Hey!’ Namjoon calls from ahead and they both look up to see him paused on the path. Yoongi looks terrified for a moment, then Namjoon’s face breaks into a grin. ‘Guess it’s lucky Jimin said we should go to his place for food then, huh.’

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now