。꙳☼12。☽ 。꙳

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As Namjoon steps out of the library and into the sunshine, he immediately sees Jungkook lurking around in the courtyard.

He isn’t hard to miss because he stands out like a sore thumb.

Today, he’s wearing leopard print shorts and a baggy band tee-shirt, his bleached hair combed up, slides on his feet and a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses. He still looks very human, but sort of chaotic and dishevelled, as if he's a hapless hipster hiker that’s been lost in the woods. Which in a way he kind of is.

Namjoon watches him for a second and finds it immediately obvious that Jungkook is up to no good. He’s pacing in the corner of the courtyard, sending furtive glances around at the guards by the gate.

Jungkook clearly thinks he’s being subtle but Namjoon can immediately tell that the guards are hyper aware of him and whatever it is he’s up to. Namjoon can hear his heartbeat from here if he focuses on it, so the guards, who are closer, definitely can as well.

He tucks the little roll of paper he’s just been handed under his arm and with a sigh starts heading over to Jungkook.

Jimin wouldn’t want him to get in trouble, so it’s best he intervenes. For Jimin’s sake. Personally Namjoon wouldn’t mind seeing him get tackled by the guards.

Jungkook is a cocky motherfucker and he would totally deserve it.

‘Morning, Jungkook.’ He says, approaching him from the steps that line the courtyard, so Jungkook has to look up at him.

‘Uh, hi Namjoon.’

‘Where’s Jimin?’

Jungkook’s scowl is immediate and so pronounced it’s almost comical.

‘How the fuck should I know, or care…’ he responds insolently, ‘I’m my own person.’

‘OK, pup, it was just a question.’

‘Not a pup either.’

‘Gods, Jungkook, calm down. I meant nothing by it,’ he sighs, ‘but if you’re alone, why are you here?’

‘Well, just looking around I guess. I–’ he freezes, eyes scanning over Namjoon. ‘The library. I wanted to go to the library, but I’m not allowed apparently. Can you take me?’

Namjoon looks at him carefully. He does seem genuine, even eager, and there isn’t really any reason he can’t go, particularly if he’s supervised by Namjoon.

‘What do you want to read?’ He asks.

‘Honestly? Anything.’ Jungkook nods eagerly. ‘I know nothing and I want to know everything…I hate being stupid and unsure and…’

He trails off as if he becomes aware that he’s oversharing. Namjoon has noticed it’s a habit of his, that he seems to force himself to say as little as possible at all times but that doing so goes against his nature.

The only person Jungkook lets himself ramble to is Jimin. Namjoon had actually been pretty surprised the first time he caught them at it. He was walking behind them on the trail back to the omega camp, Jimin could sense that he was there, but Jungkook couldn’t, and he didn’t stop talking, he babbled a stream of consciousness at Jimin the whole way.

After Jimin dropped him off and he and Namjoon carried on to his house together he had teased Jimin for his dopey, fond smile.

He looks up to find Jungkook still staring at him, eagerness turning to slight impatience.

‘Yeah, OK, sure, let’s go to the library.’ He smiles.

The library is tucked into a corner of the courtyard, in the outer buildings of the palace. It’s pretty diverse, containing older books and scrolls about the pack, books about histories and law and pretty much anything.

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now