。꙳☼10。☽ 。꙳

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Jungkook spends the next day doing laundry with Minji and a bunch of other omegas. Genuinely, the whole day.

By the end of it literally everybody is sick of him grumbling about washing machines and detergent and laundromats. But, even though he complains, he works hard and would never admit it but manages to find a tiny slither of satisfaction in the work too.

There are worse things than scrubbing sheets when you’re doing it under the beautiful canopy of a forest.

He doesn’t see Jimin the entire day, he doesn’t even come to see Jungkook in the evening for a meal, and Jungkook doesn’t care - but he does wonder why.

The day after he’s assigned to work in the pottery, which initially sounded kind of fun but turns out to involve him doing nothing but 'wedging' clay.

‘Handy having an omega with big muscles for that job,’ the potter nods at where Jungkook attacks and kneads a huge slab of wet clay with his palms.

Jungkook looks longingly back at where she’s stood at a throwing wheel, her hands cupped around a lump of clay. The wheel is activated by a kick pedal that she’s kicking so hard he wonders how her hand stays steady on the bowl forming between her fingers.

He’d much rather work on the wheel. Instead, he has to knead the clay, removing indecipherable bubbles of air to prepare it for use.

‘Plenty of alphas with big muscles around,’ he sighs, already knowing what she’ll say to the question but asking it anyway, ‘none of them will do it for you?’

‘Alphas are only good for hunting and fighting, honey,’ she grins, ‘and fucking.’

Jungkook looks up at her in surprise but she’s already back to concentrating on her pot. Nobody has ever called him honey before. Not many people have ever been familiar enough to do so, yet it dripped off her tongue as easily as its namesake.

That night he doesn’t wait for Jimin to come and find him, instead he once again bribes Raon to walk him to his house, taking Mari this time so that Raon has somebody to walk home with. The house is dark and quiet when they get there.

Jungkook doesn’t think he should go inside uninvited even though the younger girls laugh at him. Instead, he sits on the veranda, knees tucked up to his chest, and watches them vanish back into the shadows of the evening.

He’s half asleep when he hears something approaching across the grass and shoots upright again. His eyes land on a wolf, standing at the bottom of the steps and staring up at him curiously.

It’s Jimin.

Somehow he knows that immediately.

He looks exactly like the handful of other shifted wolves he’s seen, which look almost indistinguishable from the wild grey wolves with no human genetics - and yet he knows it’s Jimin.

It’s entirely, unequivocally recognisable as Jimin.

‘Uh, hi.’ For some fucking reason he gives an awkward little wave.

Jimin snorts in a way that is clearly a sound of amusement.

Then he starts to shift and it’s somehow grotesque and beautiful all at once and Jungkook can’t tear his eyes away. The wolf stands and takes a step and then like a ripple, like a shudder down its spine, it shifts and reforms into Jimin.

He stands there, naked and sweaty, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn. Then he cracks his neck and peers up at Jungkook.

‘To what do I owe the pleasure?’ He smiles.

‘I…thought maybe we could eat together?’

‘You brought food?’

‘Oh…uh, no…’

‘So, you invited yourself around for dinner?’


Jimin smiles so deeply his eyes form little crescent moons.

‘Well, sure! Ok then.’

He starts up the steps, unabashed in his nakedness, and Jungkook does his best not to stare.

。꙳☼moon jar。☽ 。꙳|| jikook ||Where stories live. Discover now