Early Leave (Effy)

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Because the lunch took longer than expected they decided to take a cab. So there they sat in the cab, not saying a word, while Effy started to squirm a little. She hadn't been to pee yet she realized and suddelny the urge hit her harder than before.

They both get into the elevator and she hopes he doens't noticed he fidgeting while they slowly ride up 43 floor. 16, 17, 18... she notices a few drops dribbling in to her pants. She holds her breath and tries to avoid moving. Suddelny she notices Mr. Castles eyes on her. No only on her but, his gaze wanders down her body as she realizes that pee is slowly running down her legs and into a puddle in the elevator. He presses the stop button. The elevator stops.

Effy's eyes start tearing up as she watched the pee run down and him taking of his Jacket. As her pee stream stops he hands it to you. „Wrap this around your waist." She just takes his ordes, tears streaming down her face. He takes of his white shirt and only wearing a tshirt now. He starts wiping the elevator floor with his shirt as you watch in shock of the situation. „Mr Castle.." she stutters. „Please call me James" he replies „and don't worry I will take care of you" she nodded quietly. He started pressing a few buttons on the elevator making it go back down.

She just follows him as they walks just around the corner to where his apartment is.

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