Morning After (Effy)

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Effy confidence was shattered by the days incident and she kept crying in the cab. She was aware that her diaper was showing clearly through her joggers but who cared. She wouldn't get out of the anytime soon. Better everyone know shes just a little girl that pees herself.

When came home, she went straight to bed and woke up to the same routine she had all the week before. Getting up, getting out of her full diaper, shower, fresh diaper, toast and coffee. She picks out an outfit and notices the diaper really showing so she decides on a pull up and heads to the office after breakfast.

She comes into the office hearing people chattering „Did you hear somebody peed themselves in the elevator" „The Security Guy told me he saw it on tape but didn't know who was". You rush over to your and James' Iffice to find him already sitting offering you a cup of coffee.

You close the door behind you and take the cup thanking him. „Also James. Thank you for last night... I really don't" „We don't have to talk about it" he says a little cold and she sits down at her desk to work.

3 hours into work, your office is completely silent and Effys just finished of her 3 rd coffee when she can feel and hear her stomach gurgling and pressure building quickly. She shoots up to go to the bathroom quickly. But while getting up she can feel warm poop starting to spread in her Pull Up. „Shit" she stands still, James looking at her. I the quiet room you could clearly hear Effy filling her nappies with warm soft shit making little fart and squish noises.

„Effy your pants" she turns around looking at her bum to see that poop was cooming out of the sides of the Pull up staining her beige dress pants. „Shit". James jumps up and lets the newly installed blinds down and lockd the door.

You look at him relieved that hes helping you.

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