Changing (Effy)

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He was a proper Gentleman she though while she stood in his big shower letting the water run down her body. And the way he said he would take care of her was honestly kind of hot. But Effy couldn't help bit cry about her embarrassment. She was so angry. This stupid accident. My stupid stupid body she thinks and lets the water tun over her face.

She tried to move on and thinks about James. How heroic he acted and how gentle he was with her. I an way it felt like he was into her. But she shook of that thought. „No he's my boss" She continues through the apartment in her towel looking around. The bedroom seemed to be the only room that had a normal amount of furniture. Every other room was nearly empty. Only the Necessaires.

She grabbed something to wear from his closer and put it on when he came in through the door with a bag in his hand. He'd brought her a bag of diapers. Tears welled up in her eyes again and she wanted to thank him but she was also so embarrassed. „Its okay Effy. I"ll take care of you" he said pushing her down with her heart starting to race. He look down at her, she looks at him. Could it be or was it just weirdly shaped pants or was there a boner hiding in his pants? It sure looked like it. She started to get turned on a little to by that thought. By then he was already taking her pants of. 

He gently ran his fingers over her stomach and reached for the bag pulling out a diaper and putting it under her butt. Effy Body starts tingling from his touch and she looked at him in disbelief. Somehow though she didn't want him to stop. James continued pitting some lotion on her stroking her skin gently and also applying some to her pussy. She could tell that he felt how wet she was getting. He put baby powder on and closed the diapers rubbing his hand over the bulge before scooching of quickly. „There well you can sleep on the sofa if you like or I can get you home whatever you like"

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